Vibes for this name?

What vibe does [name_f]Jewel[/name_f] give off for you? Is it too tied to the singer?

It is one of my favorite names atm, but honesty is appreciated! :wink:

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I think it’s pretty, but unfortunately all I hear is juul (the e-cigarette) :frowning:


I think it’s beautiful, but because of the e-cigarette (as the poster above mentioned) I would save it for the middle spot.

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@winterlyricalfox @LostMargaret you guys I must just be so old because this didn’t even cross my mind!! :joy: thank you!!


Aww, sorry to be one of the bearers of bad news, though! It also gives me slightly [name_u]Southern[/name_u] vibes, makes me think of jewel tones, and the gorgeous novel [name_f]Jewel[/name_f] by [name_u]Bret[/name_u] Lott…so many positive associations too, but the [name_f]Juul[/name_f] thing is a shame!


I love that!!! So pretty! Yes it really is a shame though, don’t be sorry I’m always happy to hear associations that I don’t think of!

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[name_f]Jewel[/name_f] is sharp and sparky - glowing and cool