Video record your birth

Hi everyone! I’ll be TTC in a few months and I’m a planner (which I KNOW can only go so far with kids :sweat_smile:). I’ve started thinking about the birth, which will be at the hospital where I work. COVID guidelines may still be in place one year from now, so I may only be able to have one person in the room (which I’d probably prefer, but it’s definitely too soon to know for sure).

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone set up a tripod and phone or some type of camera to video record their birth? I’m not sure I want a camera down there, but I really want to capture that first skin-to-skin moment. I also don’t want my mom to be fussing with a cell phone or camera during all of this (she’s not good with them and I want her to be present in the moment with me). I also don’t think I want a photographer/filmographer in the room with me (especially if I can only have one visitor, that’s out of the question).

If I am able to have another visitor and I decide on a friend to be in the room with me, I could give them the job of video recording. But what if this isn’t possible? And what if I’d rather them take still pictures or just be in the moment with us?

I’m also not knowledgeable about phones and cameras (I have a [name_f]Galaxy[/name_f] Samsung) so if there’s something you recommend I buy, please let me know! I’m willing to buy a new cell phone between now and then anyway (mine is several years old) so if there’s one out there that will be especially good for this situation, that would be great!!


I’m also in the TTC stage so I can’t offer advice on what I HAVE done, but I can tell you what I PLAN to do!

I feel the same way that I want to record it somehow. I don’t have any type of fancy camera or equipment. It’s something I’d consider getting though because then I could have it to take pictures and videos of my future baby!

I like your idea of just propping it somewhere like on a table or shelf. Then you don’t have to worry about someone being distracted with the camera and not actually in the moment. If you look on YouTube there’s a ton of vloggers who have captured their births this way. Maybe that could give you some ideas on placement and types of cameras :slight_smile:

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That’s a great idea!! [name_f]My[/name_f] biggest worry with no one monitoring the camera, is it not focusing correctly. Maybe that’s because my phone doesn’t focus well and I have no idea how to fix it or if newer/better phones don’t have that issue :sweat_smile:

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I’d talk to your OB or the hospital, if you are able to do a hospital tour when the time comes. Our hospital had certain policies on that kind of thing but I honestly can’t remember what exactly they were. I ended up needing a c-section and I know they definitely didn’t allow a video to be taken in there, although we didn’t even try. [name_f]My[/name_f] son didn’t need much intervention, so one of the nurses took pictures using my husband’s phone.

So much is up in the air these days and no one has a clue when restrictions may be lifted but just asking should clear things up :slight_smile:

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So I actually work at the hospital and I go up to L&D once a week :sweat_smile: I’m not a medical provider so I don’t know all their policies, but I’ve been in every room and have a decent relationship with the unit staff. I’ve wanted to ask them all sorts of questions, but I’d rather wait until I’m pregnant.

That’s so sweet of the staff to take pictures for you all! I’m glad everything with your son went smoothly :blush:

I’m really hoping that things are more relaxed when I’m due. But honestly, my area was pretty bad last winter, so I’m not holding my breath. Right now the standing policy for my hospital is partner + a doula (which, thankfully, my mother is actually a doula. so i’m lucky that way). if we have 2 people i may have one of them hold a camera. or we’ll do a tripod. i definitely want to capture the moment but i don’t want my husband to miss it if he’s the only other person there!

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Oh wow, lol! Great you are at least somewhat used to that area and it sounds like you will definitely be able to get some answers eventually :slight_smile: and thank you…they had a fun time doing a little photoshoot with him lol.

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That’s amazing! You are super lucky!

Well, if you find any info one good tripods are phones/cameras, let me know :blush:

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[name_f]My[/name_f] husband works in marketing so he’s actually really into filming / photography. When we travel he uses something similar to this.[name_m]Mark[/name_m]-II-Digital-[name_f]Camera[/name_f]-[name_m]Black[/name_m]-Essential-Accessory-Bundle-Includes-SanDisk-Ultra-64GB-SDXC-Memory-[name_m]Card[/name_m]-1x-Replacement-Battery-57-T/121949612?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=5568&&adid=22222222227347974828&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=431092654071&wl4=pla-897968934683&wl5=9003520&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=113841433&wl11=online&wl12=121949612&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI85LXxM2m7AIVAY_ICh0KOAEiEAQYASABEgIrvvD_BwE

It has a lot of video space and good quality video. I doubt you need all the accessories but the camera and tripod are good! [name_m]Even[/name_m] older model canons are great!

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That’s sooo helpful, thank you!

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When I had my first born 4 years ago we had an unexpected c-section. When we were in the OR the anesthesiologist actually asked us if he could take pictures for us… and he got some great shots

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That’s awesome and so kind of them!!!

Ok this may look really hilarious but what about a type of helmet (your partner can wear) and camera things they strap to the head lol. [name_m]Don[/name_m]’t these cyclists wear them???

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I know what you’re referring to :sweat_smile: Maybe that could be an option for some, but not for me. It does give me the idea of a camera behind the bed, positioned kinda high up and angled downward. That may be possible!

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