(This is a picture of my grandmother and her siblings with their mother. It was taken around 1930/1931.)
DM(36): Antonia, Concetta, Giuseppina, Maria, Rosa / Lucia, Mary, Carmina, Vittoria, Anna
DS(9): John, William, Joseph, Frank, George, James / Michael, David, Nicholas, Anthony, Vincent, Peter
DD(8): Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth, Catherine, Anne, Eleanor / June, Mary, Sophie, Alice, May, Florence
DD(6): Dorothy, Helen, Betty, Shirley, Ruth, Gladys / Sarah, Esther, Ruth, Rachel, Grace, Jane
DS(4): Robert, Thomas, Charles, Henry, Edward, Richard / Carlo, Giovanni, Angelo, Camillo, Giuseppe, Gino
DD (2): Edith, Emily, Alice, Lucy, Beatrice, Rose / Theresa, Patricia, Maria, Christine, Angela, Laura / Jean, Louise, Alexandra, Marie, Agnes, Victoria