See the results of this poll: How do you pronounce Viviane?
Respondents: 25 (This poll is closed)
- VIV - ee- an (like Vivian/ Vivienne) : 4 (16%)
- viv -ee- ANN : 12 (48%)
- Either! However I’m told!: 9 (36%)
Respondents: 25 (This poll is closed)
I was acquaintances with a [name_f]Viviane[/name_f] who pronounced it vivi-AHN.
Same as this.
I would be expecting it to be either viv-ee-ann or viv-ee-ahn. The original [name_m]French[/name_m] pronunciation is viv-ee-ahn, but [name_m]French[/name_m] names often get anglicized if the bearer isn’t [name_m]French[/name_m], so I wouldn’t be sure.
I’d automatically want to say vivi-AHN, and ultimately voted your third option.