[name]Vivienne[/name] - My favourite.
[name]Helena[/name] - Nice.
[name]Clarissa[/name] - Uncommon, but feels more down-home than the others. A bit country. [name]Claire[/name] would be more tailored and less girly, but also feel classier to me.
[name]Serena[/name] - [name]Just[/name] dislike. Would prefer [name]Sabrina[/name] or [name]Selena[/name], and the most elegant (but not my favourite) is probably [name]Sabine[/name].
[name]Margot[/name] - [name]Pleasant[/name], but would prefer either [name]Marguerite[/name] or the spelling [name]Margaux[/name].
[name]Georgiana[/name] - 2nd favourite but 1st place for feeling not too popular, and unexpected.
Ranked from most upper class, elegant, sweet and lovely to least (although I think all fits the bill):
[name]Helena[/name] and [name]Serena[/name] have to be my favourites, but I also like the “Pride and Prejudice” connection of [name]Georgiana[/name] - anything to do with Mr [name]Darcy[/name] appeals to me…
My favorite is [name]Georgiana[/name]! It’s super cute, and has a great nickname, [name]Georgie[/name]!
I like [name]Vivian[/name], but not the starbaby spelling. It’s a great name!
[name]Helena[/name] is cute and graceful, but only if you pronounce it hel-lay-nuh.
[name]Margot[/name] is nice, too, but not my favorite.
[name]Vivienne[/name] (sweetness, not overly frilly)
[name]Helena[/name] (much prefer to [name]Helen[/name]/[name]Ellen[/name]. Like the nn. option of [name]Elena[/name])
[name]Georgiana[/name] (prettier looking than [name]Georgina[/name], but too frilly compared to [name]Georgina[/name])
[name]Serena[/name] (prefer [name]Selena[/name])
[name]Clarissa[/name] (like nn. [name]Clara[/name])
[name]Margot[/name] (looks like Maggot. prefer [name]Margaux[/name] or [name]Marguerite[/name], although this can look made up/trendy)
I am partial to [name]Serena[/name], and it is my favorte of your list Obviously I [name]Love[/name] it and have gotten so many compliments on it! My [name]Serena[/name] is almost 9 months old (It was also the name of my great, great grandmother!) Honestly to me [name]Selena[/name] brings it down market a bit and [name]Sabrina[/name] has a whole different feel.
Next from your list would be in order from my favorite to least favorite:
[name]Margot[/name] - I love this! sweet, simple, classic, just beautiful!
[name]Helena[/name]- Gorgeous, you just can not go wrong with [name]Helena[/name]!
[name]Vivienne[/name]- [name]Love[/name], so pretty and timeless (really like the combo: [name]Serena[/name] Vivenne).
[name]Georgiana[/name]- I think this is a nice name, but a bit “clunky” and not quite as elegant as the before mentioned names.
[name]Clarissa[/name]- Least favorite, to me, it just does not match the elegance, and timeless beauty of the others on your list.
Objectively, they are ranked popularly as follows:
[name]Vivenne[/name] - low 300s (but Vivian is at 154)
[name]Serena[/name] - low 400s
[name]Helena[/name] - low 500s
[name]Clarissa[/name] - almost 600
[name]Margot[/name] - last in top 1000 in 1965
[name]Georgiana[/name] - last in top 1000 in 1952 (keep in mind sister Georgia’s popularity at nearly 300)
My favorite (and which falls into the upper-class, elegant, and sweet conditions) would be [name]Georgiana[/name] (which I say as jor-jee-AH-nuh, the emphasized syllable being the ah as in ‘car’). I love Georgie[/name] and [name]Gigi[/name] as nicknames which take a name that could be considered overwrought and make it more down to earth. As a full name it has a stately appeal and a flowing elegance that I love!
I say [name]Vivienne[/name] as vih-vee-EN not like [name]Vivian[/name]/[name]Vivien[/name] (VIH-vee-in) and [name]Helena[/name] as HEH-leh-nuh not heh-LAY-nuh. Either way, I think both of those have similar qualities to [name]Georgiana[/name]: cute down-to-earth nicknames ([name]Vivi[/name]/Vivee and [name]Leni[/name], if you want), but also a flowing elegance and history
So, I like [name]Georgiana[/name] most, then [name]Helena[/name], then [name]Vivienne[/name] (if you don’t pronounce it with the emphasis on the last syllable, it seems a bit silly to spell it this way though…).
I think [name]Helena[/name] fits your criteria the best. [name]Clarissa[/name] and [name]Georgiana[/name] are a bit more frilly than elegant, [name]Vivienne[/name] is experiencing a bit of a trendy moment right now, and [name]Serena[/name] doesn’t feel super sweet to me. I absolutely love [name]Margot[/name], but it looses a bit on the elegance scale because it is technically a nn.
Anecdote: I know a woman named [name]Margaux[/name] who has struggled with the spelling of her name for her whole life. People consistently mispronounce or misspell it. [name]Margot[/name] is better, but could still be tricky. I would circumvent the issue with fullname [name]Margaret[/name] or [name]Marguerite[/name] and nn [name]Margo[/name].