vote on your favourite combination

See the results of this poll: what should Kieran’s middle name be?

Respondents: 19 (This poll is closed)

  • Kieran Zane : 7 (35%)
  • Kieran Jacksy : 0 (0%)
  • Kieran Andrew : 10 (50%)
  • Kieran Artemis : 1 (5%)
  • Kieran Ellington : 2 (10%)
  • Kieran Camden: 0 (0%)

[name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_m]Andrew[/name_m] is by far the best option.

I had to laugh at Jacksy, because it’s British slang for @ss/bum, and my grandpa uses it when he’s telling someone to get off their behind and get moving. He’ll say something like “get off your jacksy and get in the car, or we’ll be late.”

[name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_m]Andrew[/name_m] with [name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_m]Zane[/name_m] as my second choice.

[name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_m]Zane[/name_m] got my vote! I like it best, but I also like [name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_m]Andrew[/name_m] a lot. I love the idea of [name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_m]Jack[/name_m] (soooo handsome!), but I’m not terribly fond of Jacksy at all, sorry.

I wouldn’t use [name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_u]Ellington[/name_u] or [name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_u]Camden[/name_u] since both names end with the same sound. I like the suggestion on [name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_m]Jack[/name_m]. I voted for [name_u]Kieran[/name_u] [name_m]Andrew[/name_m].