I love the name emmeline nn Emma.
@Greyblue suggested pairing fn emmeline with mn Aurelia. And I love that so much. I fell in love with it. I also love auraeliana (uh-ray-lee-aw-nuh). Similar to Aurelia just a little extra.
Which one do you guys like/ prefer
- Emmeline Aurelia
- Emma Auraeliana
- Emmeline Auraeliana
I love the formal/ longer name of Emma, but hubs said he doesn’t like it as much as just Emma — he’s so boring . Also also. Emmeline is close to my maiden name so I like that
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[name_f]Emmeline[/name_f] [name_f]Aurelia[/name_f] is my favourite - bright, sleek and pretty
[name_f]Aureliana[/name_f] is nice, but maybe with a shorter first name? [name_f]Emma[/name_f] [name_f]Aureliana[/name_f] is okay, but I’m with your husband on this one, I’m afraid - [name_f]Emmeline[/name_f] is my preference, sorry! [name_f]Esme[/name_f] Auraeliana?
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I love emmeline [name_f]Aurelia[/name_f]. I think I’ll have to fight him on it lmao. Thank you so so much for the suggestion
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