Waiting to hear about dog adoption approval

We found a darling mini-Dachshund up for adoption near us. He is black and tan and sweet as sugar. We are hoping to be chosen but we are not the only one’s who want him.

The only problem is his name - [name]Oscar[/name] - which isn’t bad BUT he’s a dachshund for heavens sake and the first thing we thought of was the [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Meyer[/name] wiener song. I have always liked [name]Cooper[/name] or [name]Teddy[/name] for a dog but neither seem to fit.

Can you help me with cute names that either start with “O” or end with “ar” sound, so they sound a little familiar to him.

He will not be [name]Oscar[/name], that much I am sure of.

Without confusing [name]Oscar[/name] too much, these ones might work:

[name]Oxford[/name] *my favorite, sounds similar to him if you keep the “D” silent until he gets used to it
Boscar (maybe?)