Waiting to tell..

[name]How[/name] many of yous waited until your second trimester before announcing your pregnancy to everyone (aside from SO) and how many told people right away?

Did anyone tell their parents right away?

For those TTC, when do you plan on telling people when the time comes?

I’ve been thinking of this a lot lately as we’re talking TTC. I think I’d have to tell my mom, dad, and younger brother right away since I’m lousy at hiding things. Plus my family are all big wine drinkers so I know they would be suspicious if I abstained at family dinners. I may tell a couple of close friends before the end of the first trimester just to have their support, but probably would wait to “tell the world” until after the first trimester was over.

With my son, we told right away :slight_smile: I just couldn’t keep it to myself! Now, I have had several losses. For a couple, we told right away. For a couple, we (DH) and I kept it completely to ourselves even after the loss. And for a couple of others, we told after the loss. DH and I are still TTC, but we have both agreed that we would tell after the first sono (so, for me, that will probably be around 8ish weeks.) I won’t be able to keep it to myself much longer than that. My body just tends to assume the position once prego. Lol

We’re trying to conceive, too. We’ve decided to tell our immediate families (parents and siblings) straight away, but wait until twelve weeks before telling anyone else.

I waited until I was 14 weeks to tell my Mom, I told my best friend as soon as I found out. I think I was around 15-16 weeks when I told Facebook, acquaintances, extended family, etc.

With the next pregnancy, my husband and close friends will know right away. I will probably wait until 12 weeks or so to tell my Mom and the rest of my family. I’m not close to any family besides my Mom, and she just doesn’t take big news well. She still has dreams of me joining the [name]Peace[/name] Corp and then becoming a neurosurgeon (totally being sarcastic.) She is a feminist hippie that thinks I’m just “settling” for a boring, domestic existence with a [name]MAN[/name]. :rolleyes:

When we are actually trying, only my husband will know. It’s easier that way, you don’t get bombarded with “Are you pregnant yet?!” messages and texts. According to 2 of my friends, one has 2 kids and the other has 3, I’m “behind” and they would be super excited if I told them we were trying.

Thanks for responding! I keep debating who and when I will tell people. My husband and bestfriends will know right away but not sure what to do with parents. I don’t think my mom will be able to keep it a secret lol hmm lots to think about!

My boyfriend and I are TTC now and we decided we will only tell our parent and my siblings. Then once we are a few weeks in we will tell everyone (family and close friends). I rather wait to ensure everything is good and the baby is doing well before making a huge announcement. I am also in a debate with how we are going to tell the future grandparents and my siblings (he is an only child).

With my first son I was so excited, it was right away that I revealed, pretty much as soon as I got the results on th pee stick. Lol. Then with my second son, I waited till the first trimester was over as I had a lot of morning sickness and was paranoid honestly, with my last pregnancy as well as this one I waited so I could reveal the sex at the same time! That was so exciting! :slight_smile:

I plan to tell only immediate family when we find out, but no big announcement (like on facebook or cards) until the second trimester, only because my sister has a history of miscarriages and I am nervous for me. [name]Even[/name] though there may no relation to me and her pregnancies. But knowing myself I may not be able to contain my joy! but thats my plan =)

Oh, and I agree with rowangreeneyes about not telling anyone you’re TTC! Only my husband, my doctor and I know. Oh, and you guys :wink:

I told my mom right away…I live with my parents, and had a lot of medical issues, so I needed the help and support. (Her dad and I weren’t together when I found out I was pregnant, as well).

I told my dad & brother when I was 8 or 9 weeks…again, they live with me, and I had horrible morning sickness and made an ER trip for an IV, I didn’t want them to worry so much.

3 close friends also found out right away. I told my best friend since childhood and another close friend before I told my mom. My other best friend actually asked me if I was.

I didn’t tell everyone else for a pretty long time…I think I was 16 or 18 weeks. I didn’t make a FB announcement, so less close friends/family found out gradually. I waited that long because I wanted to tell my grandmother in person before I told anyone else, and had to travel by plane in order to see her.

We were newly married when we got pregnant with [name]Seb[/name],and as clueless first time parents (clueless to all that can happen in the first trimester) we ran out and told everyone right away we were so excited. Waiting a little bit longer to tell everyone with B, [name]Linus[/name] and Vio (until after we had known there was a baby in there, so after seeing or hearing the heartbeat). With [name]Felix[/name] we also told after seeing him on the US screen around 11 weeks but he passed at 21, so, regardless, there was lots of uncomfortable “untelling” to do especially since I was posting belly shots etc on FB since after 15 weeks. We got pregnant about a year after [name]Felix[/name] died and lost that one around 6 weeks. Had not told anyone because we were still processing it as we were still freaked out having lost a baby in the 2nd trimester. Very few people irl know about that loss, I did choose to get a rhogham shot afterwards (so my MW obviously knew) but other than that, we didn’t really talk about it much. Too shocked I guess. So after getting pregnant with Wolfie we waiting for a while, didn’t tell our family until right before 12 weeks. I know now anything can happen at any time, and I am very much in the minority where I’ve had 7 pregnancies and 5 healthy children (meaning, most women having 5 children have more losses) and looking back, I would have waited until we saw a heartbeat on an US screen (the chance of a mc after seeing that goes down a lot) in the first trimester before running out to tell everyone. But that’s just me.

We didn’t tell anyone until I was 12 weeks, for a couple reasons. [name]One[/name], miscarriages are most common during the first trimester so I wanted to make sure we were out of that danger zone before telling anyone. Two, as hard as it was for us to keep it to ourselves, I knew it would be hard for our immediate family not to tell people too, so I didn’t want to put that burden on them as well (or have them make an accidental slip and tell someone else before we were ready). So yeah, took a weekend and visited both our parents and made the announcement. We were lucky in that the weekend we were telling family also happened to be Father’s [name]Day[/name], so it already gave us an excuse for visiting and our siblings were already there. After that, we sent a mass e-mail to all our friends and we let our parents tell our extended family, since we knew that would be exciting for them.

I told my parents right away because I really needed their support. Not that my SO wasn’t supportive, he was wonderful, just also terrified. We told everyone else at 12 weeks, and even then I was superstitious and completely convinced that it would make me lose him somehow, but that was strictly anxiety. Oh, and my SO told his boss around eight weeks, which he didn’t tell me until after he was born.

With [name]Mila[/name] we just told a couple of friends and then our parents at 11 weeks, other friends after that.
With my losses we hadn’t told anyone as they were high risk pregnancies from the start due to health issues I had at the time, and I found it quite hard that nobody knew what I was going through.
This time I’ve told quite a few friends, because I now have lots of mummy friends who better understand why I’m trying to wait before I get too excited. We will tell my parents in 2 weeks (when I’m 8 weeks pregnant) as I’ll be staying with them then.

I’ve told very few - only really online people, like here and another forum. I’m probably going to tell one of my friends when I see her next, but other than that we are keeping it secret for as long as possible. I’m getting big fast this time (already have a bump that looks about 4 months gone) so not sure how long I can effectively hide it, but 12 weeks + for sure.

When I was pregnant with [name]Patrick[/name] we told my in-laws at around five weeks and my father a few weeks later when we saw him. We waited to tell everyone else until around 10 weeks after pressure from my [name]MIL[/name] got too intense. With [name]Mary[/name] we told my father and stepmother at around six weeks because my grandfather was dying and we wanted to tell him before he passed. Unfortunately we didn’t get to do this since he passed away right before we were going to go down and visit him. We told my in-laws around that time since we didn’t want them to feel left out. We told most of our family at Thanksgiving when I was 11.5 weeks and we’d already seen a heartbeat. We posted to facebook a few weeks later after another ultrasound. My [name]MIL[/name] was once again really pushy and annoyed that she couldn’t tell everyone in the world. And my [name]SIL[/name] did tell a bunch of people. I think next time we’re going to keep in a secret for as long as possible with 12 weeks being the goal. My son will be old enough to understand and ask questions of there is a miscarriage so I don’t want him to know and I don’t trust my family to not tell him. My husband is bad with secrets and I get horrible morning sickness so we’ll see how well it actually works out.

Agree, never tell anyone you’re TTC.

With the first 3 I waited until I had my 12 week scan to tell anyone. With the last one we told our parents and close family after the 12 week scan, but waited to tell everyone until after the 20 week scan. [name]Just[/name] because I had a miscarriage before this last pg and just wanted to make sure everything was ok.

I was horribly sick in the early stages of my pregnancy with Bugsy so we virtually had to tell our families and close friends at around 9 weeks, but I didn’t announce it to anyone else until 14 weeks.
With [name]Jem[/name] we waited until 12 weeks to tell our families and then everyone else sort of found out periodically. I was a lot calmer about telling people with the second one.

@malk Congratulations on keeping it in until 20 weeks! I was completely bulging by then, not even flowing tops saved me!

I told everyone! I was so excited.
