this helped me a lot
Wee [name_m]Little[/name_m] One
Wee little babe,So tiny, so pure,
Wee little heart,
Beating no more,
Oh, how it hurts,
Oh,how I love
That dear little soul,
My own wee dove.
Flesh of my Flesh,
Bone of my bones,
Why did you leave?
My mother heart groans.
I would with joy
[name_f]Carry[/name_f] you longer,
So that you,wee one,
Could grow stronger!
But quietly you left,
Slipping to the sky,
Wee heart not beating
Leaves Mama to cry!
Lonely & Empty
I reach out to God,
& Pray that He
[name_m]Will[/name_m] give strength to trod.
Knowing my Father
Sees my grief & tears,
and caring for me
[name_m]Will[/name_m] understand my fears!
- [name_f]Delores[/name_f] Moyer
The writer she wrote this poem after having a few miscarriages that have been so hard.
this was sent from a dear friend [name_f]Aneta[/name_f]. I needed this!! this is how I have been feeling, and it captures everything I have been feeling.