I’m 36 weeks today which means we’re down to the wire! I’m both nervous and excited also a bit curious as to whether or not [name_u]Blair[/name_u] will hold out until 40 weeks or more. So my question is was your first baby early or late? My boyfriend jokes that if I hurry up and have our son before [name_u]January[/name_u] 1st we can claim him on our income taxes
My first came three days before his due date. I went in to my appointment and was 4 cm but having no contractions. I sobbed because I was so over being pregnant so my OB admitted me and I was essentially induced. I got my epidural pretty quickly and from time I went into my appointment to the time he was born was like 22 hours.
My second came three weeks early but I think they got my due date wrong because he was a healthy 7 lbs 8 oz/20 inches and required no intervention or NICU time. That was a shock though because I just went in for a regular appointment and my OB was like “you’re 6 cm!” lmao he was born like 5 hours later!
Good luck, this is the most exciting and excruciating part of pregnancy! As soon as he arrives you won’t even remember life without him
No babies for me yet I just want to say how much I love the name [name_u]Blair[/name_u] [name_m]Wilder[/name_m]! It’s gorgeous! Great choice.
In regards to the actual topic, I was born 7 days before my due date, but I was the third baby, my eldest brother was born 2 days before his, as was his daughter, both of them were first babies.
My first baby was right on schedule. I went into labour on my due date and had him the following morning.
My second was induced two days before his due date and was born that same day.
I was also born 3 weeks early at 6lbs 5oz with no issues and went home the next day. I don’t think 3 weeks early is considered premature, so a NICU visit would only happen if something was wrong. some of us are just ready before others :). I was a first so that also answers the OP’s question, as I don’t have any of my own yet.
I’m glad to hear that there’s a chance he’ll be here early. Everyone around me has been telling me first babies always come late and my own Aunt was kind enough to remind me that she went a whole 43 weeks before my cousin was born!
Thank you! I wanted something different but not too over the top. Unlike my boyfriend who desperately wanted to name him [name_m]Bear[/name_m].
Technically 3 or more weeks early is considered a preemie. I don’t think he was actually a preemie though because of his size, I think they just got my due date wrong. Babies gain like 1/2 lb a week during the last weeks of pregnancy so had he stayed in for another 3 weeks he would have been a big boy, lol
@kadiebeth, the old wives tale is that first babies are always late. I have no idea if there is any science behind it, but it wasn’t my experience. Keeping baby in as long as he wants is what’s best, but like I said I was so over it that I was induced three days before my due date with my oldest. I don’t have any regrets.
I was induced at 39 weeks, so she was early.
Mine was 15 days overdue. I had to be induced. Longest two weeks of my life!!
When I was pregnant, my midwives told me that the most common day a first child is born is 10 days past the due date, so they even gave me a “most likely to be born” date as well. But that is just the median number, doesn’t mean your baby won’t be earlier or later. I wish I knew where their data came from–I don’t know whether that is just American babies, or a world-wide statistic.
My little one ended up being 4 days past her due date. I knew 2 other ladies who were pregnant at the same time as me. One had her little boy arrive on his due date, the other friend was 2 weeks late and had to be induced.
My LO was nine days early.
Agree with @kibby – [name_u]Blair[/name_u] [name_m]Wilder[/name_m] is an amazing name! I love seeing [name_u]Blair[/name_u] used for a boy.
Both of my babies have been born within 26 hours of their due dates. My first was born 39+5 at 10pm; my second was 40+1 at 10pm!
My first baby was two days early, no inducing, she just decided to come early.
Second baby was born on due date, induced for pre-e.
Good luck. Wishing you a safe labor and delivery. Oh and [name_u]Blair[/name_u] is a lovely name by the way.
I’m glad you guys like our name choice. Now if only I could convince my mother that [name_u]Blair[/name_u] isn’t just a girls name. Fingers crossed I don’t go 43 weeks like my aunt. That’s my biggest fear.
My first came at 38+3. I had my waters broken but that’s because I had been contracting for weeks and was walking around 5cm dilated!
My first was two weeks late and my second was one week late. I joke that I must have a five-star hotel up in there because no one ever wants to leave!
Not a mom but all of my sisters and I were early. I’m the oldest and was the earliest at 2 weeks, my middle sister was 5 days, and my youngest sister was a week early. None of us were induced, we just wanted to get out!
I like to joke that I was born out of pettiness because my mom spent the whole pregnancy saying I was going to come early, but no one believed her. She told her doctor at 37 weeks that he didn’t need to schedule an appointment for the next week because the baby was going to come. He said, “Yeah, okay, see you on the 19th.” On the 18th, she called to cancel the appointment because she was in labor and I was born later that night.
That’s an amazing story! Definitely made me laugh out loud!