Waverly, Windsor, and Zena

Opinions please! I’m starting to like these :slight_smile:

[name]Love[/name] [name]Waverly[/name] and [name]Zena[/name] (although a little [name]Xena[/name] warrior princess…but still love it. My dog is actually named [name]Xena[/name]). [name]Windsor[/name] feels a little pretentious to me…too much [name]Windsor[/name] Castle

[name]Waverly[/name] is one of my favorites, I really like it, but dislike nicknames like Waves, Wavey, Wave etc
[name]Windsor[/name], I like it! But it does feel kind of pretentious as flashy09 said.
[name]Zena[/name], I wouldn’t use it personally, too [name]Xena[/name] Warrior [name]Princess[/name] for me, and many people would share that association. There’s other pretty Z names you could think of though, [name]Zenobia[/name], [name]Zora[/name]/[name]Zorah[/name], [name]Zinnia[/name] etc

I think of the disney show wizards of [name]Waverly[/name] place it doesn’t really seem like a name for a person
[name]Zena[/name]…warrior princess / dog name association makes it a no for me
[name]Windsor[/name] is pretentious to me too…lots of teasing potential here

[name]Waverly[/name] - I love this. It’s sweet and spunky and a bit androgynous and I know an adorable little [name]Waverly[/name] that makes me love it all the more. It doesn’t really fit my style but every time I come across it it makes me smile.

[name]Windsor[/name] - I like the beginning “win”/“wind” sound but the name as a whole sounds very masculine to me. I guess I have no pretentious radar at all, lol, because the thought never entered my mind. I think [name]Winter[/name] is a nice alternative for a girl.

[name]Zena[/name] - I like it’s sound but I like [name]Xenia[/name] more.