Ways to get to Tory?

[name]Hi[/name] Berries! Lately I’ve been crushing on the name [name]Tory[/name] for boys… All of the men called [name]Tory[/name] that I can think of use it as a nickname for [name]Salvatore[/name]. I can also see it sort of working for [name]Victor[/name]. Can you think of other male names with the option of [name]Tory[/name] as a nn?

[name]Even[/name] though it has a “th” sound, maybe [name]Theodore[/name]? Stranger nicknames have happened.

Ok these are stretches, and not everyone’s style, but maybe they are jumping-off points?:
[name]Charlton[/name] or [name]Royston[/name](so what if the letters are mixed up? :))

[name]Man[/name], that’s a tough one! I got nothing.

[name]Torin[/name], [name]Hector[/name], [name]Torquil[/name], maybe [name]Tarquin[/name]?

I could also [name]Tory[/name] coming from something like [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Orrin[/name] - where the T from the first name and OR from the middle make the “[name]TOR[/name]” sound.

[name]Torrence[/name]/[name]Torrance[/name], [name]Vittorio[/name], [name]Toriano[/name], [name]Torsten[/name]… My favorite, though, is [name]Victor[/name].

r_j: I [name]LOVE[/name] the suggestion of [name]Baltimore[/name]! I never would have thought of that but it just sort of sounds right to my ears.

agirlinred: T. [name]Orrin[/name] is another one I wouldn’t have came up with! Definitely doable!

mjeezy13: I want to love [name]Victor[/name], but a dumb personal association with a less than desirable person is in the way. :frowning:

Aw, that stinks when that happens. I do think [name]Tory[/name] is an adorable nn for a boy though. I know my husband grew up with a male friend named [name]Tory[/name], so I’ll ask what his full name was for you.