WDYT - Cabriole

I ran across this ‘name’ about a year ago, although I can’t find much evidence that it’s used as a name.
It’s actually a type of furniture leg, but I think it would be a beautiful alternative for Gabrielle. What do you guys think?

Edit: It’s also a ballet movement!

Eh, I don’t know. Reminds me of a car body style! (Cabriolet)

If you love it, use it as a mn. I don’t think it’s that great as a fn-- it sounds like a fancy cabinet or a car to me.

It looks pleasing on the page, and the ballet reference could be sweet in a girly way, but I’ll agree with the sentiment to use it as a middle if you use it - I think this will forever be misheard - [name]Gabrielle[/name]? [name]Cambria[/name]? People are just going to struggle. And it’s a bit of a mouthful on its own and doesn’t lend itself to a nickname – Cabby ; ) ?

Sorry, still a car to me. Wouldn’t use it myself, too much like naming your child Honda (in the US).

I immediately thought of the ballet step before I opened your post. It sounds more masculine to me. I wouldn’t use it.

Cabriole/capriole comes from the latin word capra which means goat, if you have ever eaten a Cabri or Cabrito then youre eating goat.

It’s also a style of furniture leg, equestrian term or ballet and gymnastics move. In French cabriole is used in so many ways (I was going to try and give examples but it really has a wide range of use) from somersault, caper, cavorting, frolicking around, equestrian and dance term, getting away with something, antics/clowing around…I think being used in so many different ways makes it less usable as a name but if you really love it I would put it in the middle.