Wdyt Jason and Barrie for a girl?

In this day of everyone changing the naming rules I was interested to hear what you thought of the names [name]Jason[/name] and [name]Barrie[/name] for a girl.

I think I can hear [name]Jace[/name] [name]Ann[/name] in [name]Jason[/name] which gives it the girly touch and with [name]Barrie[/name] I think it definitely has a soft and fluffy, powderpuff feel and not only that if you team them with a very girly second name you end up with a decidely feminine name.

Let us add a girly name and hyphenate them too

[name]Barrie[/name] - [name]Aurora[/name]
[name]Barrie[/name] - [name]Alexandra[/name]
[name]Barrie[/name] - [name]Coraline[/name]
[name]Barrie[/name] - [name]Michelle[/name]
[name]Barrie[/name] - [name]Anneliese[/name]
[name]Jason[/name] [name]Eloise[/name]
[name]Jason[/name] [name]Matilda[/name]
[name]Jason[/name] [name]Peridot[/name]
[name]Jason[/name] [name]Willow[/name]
[name]Jason[/name] [name]Cornelia[/name]

Would you consider going down this naming lane?


[name]Barrie[/name] might work for a girl, because of the ee sound at the end, but you’re really stretching it with [name]Jason[/name]. I don’t see how that could work for a girl, unless you want her to be mistaken for a boy her whole life. I would use [name]Jocelyn[/name] instead.

I would not go down that road. It’s only been recently that I recognized that I prefer distinctly feminine names on girls, and masculine names on boys. I don’t think I had given it much thought before! I really can’t imagine meeting a little girl named [name]Jason[/name] or [name]Barrie[/name], even if it was [name]Barrie[/name]-Loiuse!

I went to college with a [name]Barrie[/name] who was a girl and it worked great on her. It was her grandmother’s maiden name. Granted, this was the Southeast, where people don’t bat a eye at surnames and masculine sounding names on girls. The college I went to was pretty old-school southern, abounding with girl Campbells, Quincys, Ellisons, and the like.

[name]Jason[/name]… could work. I don’t particularly like the name [name]Jason[/name] on a boy or a girl, but if I liked it, I would consider it for a girl. Unlike most berries here, I really like boys names for girls. I love a lot of frilly girls names too, but I have a diverse name style.

[name]Both[/name] get a huge no from me. I have family in the deep South and I’ve actually met a woman named [name]Barry[/name]-[name]Mae[/name], and because of that association [name]Barry[/name]/[name]Barrie[/name] on a girl comes across as backwoods to me. [name]Jason[/name] is just a no. [name]Every[/name] [name]Jason[/name] I’ve ever met has been so masculine and then there’s the Greek mythology association.

I have never liked [name]Jason[/name] simply because of the rhyme, “Hasten [name]Jason[/name], OOPS too late bring the mop!”, but having said that the [name]Jay[/name] nn and the [name]Anne[/name] sound make it a possibility. Although having frilly girl name tastes I would not go down that track but maybe it is a possibility as a fresh name pinched from the boys?

I don’t think of [name]Barrie[/name] being backwoods but [name]Mae[/name] definitely has the vibe remember [name]Ellie[/name] [name]Mae[/name] in the tv show?

I think [name]Barrie[/name] which I haven’t heard used in a long, long time could definitely come back as a girl’s name I think it has potential and is more girly than say [name]Quinn[/name] or [name]Quentin[/name].

With the rising trend of parents choosing traditionally male names for their daughters today, it wouldn’t surprise me if girls named [name]Jason[/name] and [name]Barrie[/name] started popping up as well. The “ie” spelling of [name]Barrie[/name] makes this name more feminine looking than [name]Barry[/name]. I’ve heard of [name]Berry[/name] for a girl. Model/actress/photographer, Berinthia “[name]Berry[/name]” Berenson [name]Perkins[/name] was the sister of actress [name]Marisa[/name] Berenseon and widow of actor [name]Anthony[/name] [name]Perkins[/name]. She was killed on 9/11. :frowning: As far as [name]Jason[/name] is concerned, I have a horrible feeling that some parents would spell it [name]Jasyn[/name] in order to magically “feminize” it, a concept I find totally ludicrous.

I say no to both. Some names can work, but I’m not hearing or feeling it with these two. If I HAD to pick one, I’d go with [name]Barrie[/name] because the fruit association is more feminine than [name]Jason[/name]'s mythology association.

I have to say no to both as well. I grew up with a guy’s name and hated it. My daughter has a traditionally feminine name. [name]Jason[/name] is the Greek for [name]Jesus[/name] and do you really want to name your daughter [name]Jesus[/name]? And the [name]Jason[/name] in Greek mythology was not exactly the nicest guy around the block. He ate his children, remember?

As for [name]Barrie[/name], I did know a [name]Barbara[/name] who was nicknamed [name]Barrie[/name]. So that might work I guess, as [name]Barrie[/name] is certainly a better nn than [name]Barbie[/name].

But [name]Barrie[/name] just makes me think of [name]James[/name] [name]Barrie[/name], who was a monster, and not someone I would want to name my child after.

I would have to agree with a previous poster that I am also one of the few berries on here that doesn’t mind male names on girls. I could see both on girls in the future, especially paired with girly middle names or nicknames. I already like [name]Elliott[/name] for a girl and I worked with a middle aged woman name Nalrah (NAHLrah)who was named after her dad. They took his name [name]Harlan[/name] and spelled it backwards. I’m not a fan of Nalrah, but I think [name]Harlan[/name] could work on a girl due to the similar ending sound of lyn. We have [name]Harlow[/name] and [name]Marley[/name] on girls now why not [name]Harlan[/name], [name]Jason[/name] and [name]Barrie[/name]?

While I don’t like it as a girl’s name, if you choose it I wouldn’t worry about [name]Jason[/name] being associated with [name]Jesus[/name]. I’ve actually never heard that. Most sites say [name]Jason[/name] is from ancient Greece and means “healer”. I know this site says they’re both Hebrew and have the same meaning, but I’ve never heard that anywhere else and neither is shown as a variation for the other so I don’t know if that should be a concern. Plus, if someone does have that connection, [name]Jesus[/name] is a very good person to be named after.

Today, I don’t think people connect the name with anything but the name. If they do have an association it’s the Greek myth where he’s considered a very brave hero. He didn’t eat his children (you might be thinking of [name]Cronus[/name], [name]Zeus[/name]'s dad). His children were killed by the woman who mothered them. His flaw was that he was ambitious. He left the mother of his two children to marry the daughter of a king. But not many know that part of the story since it isn’t in any movie so I wouldn’t worry about that connection.

I know of three female Barries. Two are personal acquaintances, one of which is short for [name]Barrett[/name], I think. The other is a well-known sociologist, [name]Barrie[/name] [name]Thorne[/name]. (I don’t know if hers is a nickname or not.)

Well, I’m biased towards more feminine sounding names on [name]BOTH[/name] sexes, so do take this with a grain of salt. If I had to choose one for a girl, it’d be [name]Barrie[/name] – I think because it has the -ee sound that is still pretty on trend, and because it sounds quite a bit like berry, though to be honest I’d rather just name a girl [name]Berry[/name] in that case. I think [name]Barry[/name] is outdated enough for guys that children wouldn’t get the masculine association as much.

[name]Jason[/name] is more problematic, I think, because it was such a common name in the generation that is now raising children, so I think a little girl named [name]Jason[/name] would get a lot of “Hey, that’s my dad’s name!” and I can’t imagine a little girl would be thrilled about being associated with a bunch of middle aged guys. That said, [name]Jason[/name] might have a chance in thirty years or so (distressingly, I too can forsee it being spelled Jaycyn or something, because somehow illiteracy is more feminine or something). Another problem is that it’s uniqueness would get lost in the flood of Jaydens, Jaylens, and Jacobs. TBH, my ears sort of shut off at any name that starts with [name]JAY[/name]-

That is very interesting! What age group would they be in and do they live in the U.S.?

I know it is on trend to give children names of authors, poets and characters from literature and I think it is a wonderful idea. I think however, it would be a shame to condemn all names like [name]James[/name] and [name]Barrie[/name] because [name]James[/name] [name]Barrie[/name] was himself a doubtful character because then in all likelihood it would mean that the wonderful charismatic [name]James[/name] would have to go too, and that would make me sad.

I would choose instead to think of the countless children who have been charmed by the stories of [name]Peter[/name] [name]Pan[/name] and feel that the [name]Barrie[/name] connection was a good one rather that one to stay away from.

I believe that slowly but surely people are overcoming stereotypes/or bad associations with names eg the rise of [name]Delilah[/name] and [name]Jemima[/name] and are starting to use them because they are just such beautiful names. I applaud this all the way.

I don’t think that there will be a flood of Barries anytime soon but I think I would like to meet a [name]Barrie[/name] as it seems to have bit of class and the femininity that is often missing when one uses boy’s names for girls.

Re [name]Jason[/name] and [name]Jesus[/name] I could find no verification on the net to say that these names are interchangeable in the church. Thanks to the poster who cleared up our Greek mythological characters for us.

I like all the other berries abhor the horror [name]Jayden[/name] phenonomen and I would probably run like a hairy goat away from any name that was connected to it. So [name]Jason[/name] is O-U-T!

What a great discussion!

rollo :slight_smile:

I don’t care for either one on a girl. However, there is a dancer named [name]Barrie[/name] [name]Chase[/name] who was partnered with [name]Fred[/name] Astaire and performed a brief, memorable dance in “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World.” (Check it out on YouTube; it’s awesome). I always thought she had a rather unfortunate name, though.

Using such a traditionally male name as [name]Jason[/name] for a girl would surely invite teasing; besides, it blurs the line between masculine and feminine to deliberately give a girl a boy’s name. I’ve been deploring the modern unisex trend of [name]Hayden[/name] and [name]Harlow[/name], [name]Riley[/name] and [name]Rowan[/name], for that reason (although I understand the traditional Southern mother’s-maiden-name usages.) I’d think twice about giving a daughter any name, no matter how pretty, that originally attained first name status as a male name; so I personally wouldn’t use [name]Barrie[/name], either. However, it has rhymes among the gals ([name]Mary[/name], [name]Carrie[/name]) and sounds more feminine to our ears than [name]Jason[/name]. It also began the crossover into the girls’ section some time ago. So if it was a choice between these two, I’d definitely go with [name]Barrie[/name]. And no, without more evidence I don’t agree that [name]Jason[/name] is the same name as [name]Jesus[/name].

[name]Jason[/name] for a girl is like [name]Jennifer[/name] for a boy. Please don’t do it.

This thread should have been started in ‘Talk About Names’ so it is just talk.

That is very interesting! What age group would they be in and do they live in the U.S.? [/quote]

All are living in the U.S. One is my neighbor here in New [name]Jersey[/name], probably around 40 years old, although I’m sure hers is a nickname. One is a friend’s mother, lives in South [name]Carolina[/name] I think, I’m not sure how old but I’d guess mid-60s. [name]Barrie[/name] [name]Thorne[/name] is currently at UC [name]Berkeley[/name], born in [name]Utah[/name] in 1942. It is interesting, right?

I like [name]Jason[/name] for a girl. You could always spell it [name]Jaeson[/name] or Jaysyn, or leave it like it is. My favorite variant is [name]Jaycee[/name].