WDYT of Flint

[name_m]Just[/name_m] what the title says…what’s your impression of the name [name_m]Flint[/name_m]? :slight_smile:

I like it. It reminds me of ‘[name_f]Cloudy[/name_f] With a [name_m]Chance[/name_m] of Meatballs’, which is a good association :slight_smile:
It’s a very short and ‘heavy’ kind of name though, so maybe balanced with a longer middle name or last name would be best.

I like it in a cowboy kind of way.

Thanks, both of you. :slight_smile:
Anyone else, though? I’d love more opinions.

I quite like it but I can only picture it on a grown man not a child for some reason. I see him being tall, broad shouldered and blonde haired. The outdoorsy type.

Very Western sounding to me. Sounds very masculine and I agree with 3furbabies, it does sound very adult.