I was really unsure between Malakai Ezra and Malakai Santiago but I ended up getting Malakai Ezra in my boy list
If and when I have a son this is a top runner so I really would like to know what you think of the name and what boy do you imagine when you hear the name?
I like it! I prefer [name_m]Malakai[/name_m] [name_u]Ezra[/name_u] to [name_m]Malakai[/name_m] [name_m]Santiago[/name_m].
I think I probably like [name_m]Malachi[/name_m] more as a spelling compared to [name_m]Malakai[/name_m], but [name_m]Malakai[/name_m] is great too!
One thing to note: if you are planning on calling him [name_u]Kai[/name_u] (vs. Malakai), it might be annoying to him to have M as his official initial but K as his preferred initial (I am someone whose preferred name (nn) starts with a different letter than their legal first name and it is so annoying that I almost legally changed by name to my nn)