WDYT of Maya?

WDYT of [name]Maya[/name]?

[name]Do[/name] you think people would mispronounce it??
or spell it differently??

I pronounce it MY-a and I think it’s beautiful.

I know a few girls called [name]Mia[/name] pronounced MEE-a which I really dislike but think [name]Maya[/name] is gorgeous.

I love the name [name]Maya[/name].
Here in Denmark, our version of the name is [name]Maja[/name], but I’ve always preferred it with an y.
I don’t think it’ll be mispronounced.

I agree with the consensus - [name]Maya[/name] as in MY-a is gorgeous. I don’t think it will get mispronounced with that spelling either.

[name]Maya[/name] is beautiful. I see that and think My-ah. I don’t think it will get mispronounced.

I think [name]Maya[/name] is pretty intuitive (My-a) and looks different enough from [name]Mia[/name] (Mee-a) that I dont think it would be confused.

I really like it.

I like the [name]Maya[/name] spelling and I don’t think anybody would mispronounce it.

[name]Maya[/name] is my daughter’s name…I hate it spelled [name]Mya[/name]…and [name]Mia[/name] is a completely different name…I [name]LOVE[/name] IT.I would also like it spelled [name]Maia[/name] or [name]Maja[/name]

I know a lot of people named [name]Maya[/name] but I still think it’s pretty. I do like [name]Kaya[/name]/[name]Kaia[/name]/[name]Caia[/name] better though.

If you want the pronunciation My-ah and are worried about pronunciation, I think that [name]Maya[/name] is the best spelling. It is pretty and I don’t think that it will be mispronounced.

I love [name]Maya[/name]! [name]Mya[/name] (same name different spelling) is one of my best friends names, so I love this name.

I love the name.
To me [name]Maya[/name] is ‘may-ah’

And [name]Maia[/name] is ‘my-ah’

[name]Mia[/name] is ‘me-ah’

Thanks for the comments all. I would pronounce it My-uh btw. :).

My only daughter’s name is [name]Maya[/name], so I love it (obviously :). She is almost 3 years old and only 2 people in her life have mispronounced it at first glance (saying “[name]MAY[/name]-a”). We pronounce it My-uh. I only like it spelled [name]Maya[/name] or [name]Maia[/name]. I don’t think you can go wrong with this name. No name regret here!

Pronounced My-ah, I think it’s very pretty and easy to pronounce. This is my favorite spelling.

I prefer the [name]Maia[/name] spelling, but [name]Maya[/name] is fine, as well.

I like [name]Maya[/name] a lot. It’s not something I would use, personally, but I would love to see it used. A dearly-loved character of mine in a story waiting to be picked up again has the name [name]Maya[/name]–and I’ve pretty much loved it ever since. I’d love to meet a little girl named [name]Maya[/name]. I hear its popular but I rarely hear it.

I think [name]Maya[/name] is a beautiful, powerful name. [name]Love[/name] that it means “illusion.” There’s a lifelong spiritual reminder contained within the name. I also think of [name]Maya[/name] Deren, the wonderful experimental film maker.

Thanks again!