WDYT of Ramona?

What are your thoughts on the name [name]Ramona[/name]? What images does it call up? [name]Do[/name] you think it will grow well?

I love [name]Ramona[/name]. My husband vetoed it and I grieved for it!

I only know one [name]Ramona[/name] who went by [name]Mona[/name], she was a really sweet, popular, smart girl. I think I like the nickname better, and it stands alone well. I just see [name]Raymond[/name] or [name]Ramone[/name] when I look at the full name.

My DD is [name]Ramona[/name]. We [name]LOVE[/name] her name, she is vivacious, funny, curious, and incredibly strong willed. Her middle name is [name]Mae[/name] after my great-grandmother. And I think her name is the perfect combo of vintage and spunk. My DH loves it but he usually calls her [name]Roma[/name]. I have a long list of silly pet names I call her (my favorite is Peanut Butter Pie) and I also call her [name]Mo[/name]. She is 19 months old and calls herself [name]Mo[/name]-[name]Mo[/name].

I like [name]Ramona[/name] a lot. It’s my aunt’s mn. I think it ages great, I can picture a [name]Ramona[/name] at every age. I do like [name]Mona[/name] as a nn, but I think I prefer [name]Roma[/name]. [name]One[/name] of my favorite actresses is named [name]Romola[/name] which I’ve always liked as well.

I like [name]Ramona[/name] a lot. I imagine someone dark haired and creative, but it would work on anyone. [name]Mona[/name] is also very pretty, although I have a negative association with that name that does kind of put me off using the name myself. I do think a little bit of the [name]Beverly[/name] [name]Cleary[/name] character, but by no means in an overpowering way.

[name]Ramona[/name] is Ramones to me. Not that it’s a bad association but I prefer [name]Romy[/name].

[name]Love[/name] it, very spunky yet pretty.