WDYT of Serafin?

See the results of this poll: Serafin? On a girl?

Respondents: 20 (This poll is closed)

  • Weird name. Especially on a girl.: 2 (10%)
  • It sounds very unique & cool!: 8 (40%)
  • I love Fin!: 3 (15%)
  • Don’ even consider this on either gender.: 5 (25%)
  • Don’t even consider this on a girl. Totally masculine: 2 (10%)

I prefer [name]Seraphina[/name] over [name]Serafin[/name], but it is still beautiful.

It sounds like a medicine to me. Like for allergies.

I’d do [name]Serafine[/name] or [name]Serafina[/name] and still call her [name]Fin[/name], if that’s what you want.

I love it! I like serafina too but I like the way that the accent changes just slightly to the first syllable when the a is dropped ([name]SERafin[/name] vs. sera[name]FINa[/name]). I think it’s really beautiful and interesting.

Parafin Wax?

Close to [name]Seraphim[/name] (cherubim and seraphim)

This is/was a male name? I’d have assumed it was female, as you intend.

[name]Serafin[/name] indicated boy to me. [name]Seraphina[/name] or [name]Serafina[/name] is another matter. Nn: [name]Sera[/name].