I would love to hear your thoughts! Does this name sound old, but not old enough to be cute? [name]Both[/name] names are for family that we would like to honor. We could just use one name for first girl, and if we have another girl, just use the other family member’s fn or mn for a second daughter. But what if we don’t have another girl? We’re not expecting yet, but we will probably start TTC early next year! Who knows, we might not have any girls. [name]Just[/name] thinking though…
Other names I’ve thought of to honor both ladies:
[name]Elaina[/name] [name]Diane[/name] (I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Elaina[/name], but hubby isn’t totally sold on this one.)
[name]Elena[/name] [name]Diane[/name] (I don’t know if the spelling would make any difference to hubby.)
[name]Helena[/name] [name]Diane[/name] (hubby doesn’t really care for this one either)
What are your thoughts? Can you picture a baby, [name]Ellen[/name] [name]Diane[/name]???
Please share your thoughts!