Looking for opinions, don’t hold back!
(all girls names)
Tell me what you think! Thank you!
Looking for opinions, don’t hold back!
(all girls names)
Tell me what you think! Thank you!
[name]Love[/name] the country, but not as a first name (I find it tacky tbh)
I love [name]Sutton[/name] for a boy, but I wouldn’t mind it as a unisex option either
I love [name]Calla[/name], its really an underused gem
[name]Cosette[/name] is too [name]Les[/name] Mis for me and I’ve never loved the sound anyway
[name]Anja[/name] is lush but simple, another gem
[name]Marlowe[/name] is cool and spunky but it seems very “2010s” to me
[name]Elodie[/name] is lovely
[name]Ireland[/name] isn’t a place name that I love, and being so close to [name]Ireland[/name], I don’t find it that usable.
[name]Calla[/name] is too nicknamey for me.
[name]Marlowe[/name], [name]Anja[/name] and [name]Cosette[/name] aren’t my style and I don’t think they look very nice.
[name]Sutton[/name] is a massive GP for me, although I would never use it.
[name]Elodie[/name] is by far my favourite on the list, so beautiful.
[name]Ireland[/name] - defs a GP name for me. Not sure if I’d use it in the FN spot though, given the potential confusion with the word Island. I say them differently, but a lot of people wouldn’t [name]IMO[/name]
[name]Sutton[/name] - I only know this as a surname. For a boy, maybe.
[name]Calla[/name] - so sweet. I really like it! In reality, its probably a little nicknamey for my tastes but I love its floral connection
[name]Cosette[/name] - NMS
[name]Anja[/name] - it’s nice enough.
[name]Marlowe[/name] - I only know dogs named this so hard for me to see on a girl. [name]Amalia[/name]?
[name]Elodie[/name] -very sweet. I like this name a lot.
[name]Ireland[/name] - I’m not big on place/country/city names. In theory I love the idea because of the imagery of [name]Ireland[/name], but I would probably choose a great Gaelic name that would evoke that same sense of wonder, green and majestic history. I like [name]Mave[/name]/[name]Maeve[/name] or [name]Neve[/name]/Niahm.
[name]Sutton[/name] - This reminds me of soot and chimney sweepers and Chim-chimeries.
[name]Calla[/name] - [name]One[/name] of my favorite nature names lately. [name]Just[/name] please don’t pair it with [name]Lily[/name].
[name]Cosette[/name] - I don’t know why but this name makes me giggle. Seriously I’ve spent some time thinking about it and it feels silly. But not in a bad way. [name]Just[/name] you know… it makes me giggle.
[name]Anja[/name] - nms. It’s just one of those names I have never really understood or liked.
[name]Marlowe[/name] - Makes me think of [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Marlowe[/name]. A great person to name your child after. However, it’s one of those names I really want to like but there is something about the spelling that bothers me.
[name]Elodie[/name] - I love [name]Elodie[/name]. I think [name]Elodie[/name] would do really well with a great Gaelic mn. [name]Elodie[/name] Niahm/[name]Neve[/name] for example.
[name]Ireland[/name]- place names are subjective…doesn’t have any meaning to me so I would never use it, but if it does for you it would be great as a fn or mn
[name]Sutton[/name]- Looks too similar to glutton
[name]Calla[/name]- feminine, vintage, [name]LOVE[/name] it!!
[name]Cosette[/name]- posh & sophisticated… like as a mn … I don’t have a great accent to do it justice
[name]Anja[/name]- cute!
[name]Marlowe[/name]- nms
[name]Elodie[/name]- [name]LOVE[/name] . Wdyt of elodie calla?
[name]Ireland[/name]- While I like place names, this one isn’t for me.
[name]Sutton[/name]- I like it.
[name]Calla[/name]- [name]Love[/name]! Definitely my favorite from the list.
[name]Cosette[/name]- Really like! The meaning is cute too.
[name]Anja[/name]- Gorgeous.
[name]Marlowe[/name]- Isn’t my favorite, I like it more for a middle.
[name]Elodie[/name]- Also love!
The first two I don’t care for, but I love the other ones!
[name]Ireland[/name]- Easily my least favorite name on the list. I think it’s just strange and silly, and chances are quite high that an American (I’m guessing that’s where you are, maybe not) child will at some point either travel to [name]Ireland[/name] or come in contact with an Irish person, and that would just be bizarre.
[name]Sutton[/name]- I don’t care for the sound at all. The swallowed T’s are really unappealing to me.
[name]Calla[/name]- I love [name]Calla[/name]! I think it’s so underused, and it’s got a really appealing sound.
[name]Cosette[/name]- I get the appeal, but it’s just waaaay too les mis for me. Plus [name]Victor[/name] [name]Hugo[/name] just made it up, so it’s not really that much different etymologically than [name]Katniss[/name] or any other invented name. I think [name]Colette[/name] is a great alternative.
[name]Anja[/name]- Very pretty! I think [name]Anya[/name] is a bit easier to work with, though.
[name]Marlowe[/name]- I love this name, although I prefer the [name]Marlo[/name] spelling. [name]Marlowe[/name] does have some literary heft thanks to [name]Christopher[/name], but I think that, like [name]Anja[/name], it’s kind of complicated for everyday use. I might consider [name]Marlowe[/name] for a middle, but for a first I’d spell it [name]Marlo[/name].
[name]Elodie[/name]- I love [name]Elodie[/name] and I have for a long time, but I’ve wondered lately if it might be confused with [name]Eloise[/name], [name]Melody[/name], and similar names. Still a great option, though.
I love [name]Marlow[/name] and [name]Elodie[/name]!!
[name]Ireland[/name] - not sure why this one gets so much hate on NB but I think it is adorable
[name]Sutton[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this for a girl in such a gp way
[name]Calla[/name] - its ok but it lacks something for me
[name]Cosette[/name] - this has always reminded me of casette I much prefer [name]Colette[/name]
[name]Anja[/name] - I prefer the [name]Anya[/name] spelling but I love both
[name]Marlowe[/name] - [name]Harlow[/name] would be better…
[name]Elodie[/name] - cute
[name]Ireland[/name]- Quite like it but, depending on where you live/ visit it will be pronounced differently. For example in in Australia you wouldn’t hear the R sound, so it would be pronounced like ‘island’. Not sure if that is a factor for you (it is for me though because I am Australian and my fiance is American)
[name]Sutton[/name]- sorry, I do not understand the appeal of this name. Makes me think of mutton
[name]Calla[/name]- its ok, but I don’t think it has a lot of impact
[name]Cosette[/name]- very nice! plus [name]Les[/name] Miserables is a favourite for me!
[name]Anja[/name]- no opinion really…i don’t love it
[name]Marlowe[/name] Like the sound, but prefer for a boy actually
[name]Elodie[/name]- great name
Can I suggest:
[name]Ireland[/name]: My fave ATM!
[name]Sutton[/name]: Only on a boy, sorry.
[name]Calla[/name]: It’s cute, but I prefer [name]Calais[/name].
[name]Cosette[/name]: As @dillonsfan01 said, It reminds me of casette. I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Colette[/name] though.
[name]Anja[/name]: Very lovely.
[name]Marlowe[/name]: It’s cute, and I love the nickname [name]Marley[/name].
[name]Elodie[/name]: Cute as a button!!
[name]Ireland[/name]- too placey.
[name]Sutton[/name]- too boyish
[name]Calla[/name]- I like it. It reminds me of the cartoon Gummy Bears, [name]Princess[/name] [name]Calla[/name] made friends with [name]Sunny[/name].
[name]Cosette[/name]- I loved it since I watched [name]Les[/name] Miserables in high school. With the new movie coming out I wouldn’t be surprised if [name]Cosette[/name]'s popularity rises. however the French think it is a childish and trashy name. Or so I’ve heard.
[name]Anja[/name] Gorgeous, I think it is the best on your list.
[name]Marlowe[/name]- too puppish
[name]Elodie[/name]- I don’t understand the appeal. I prefer [name]Melody[/name]. It sounds more complete.
[name]Calla[/name] and [name]Elodie[/name] are easily my favourites- underused gems with great history, meaning, and connotations.
[name]Marlowe[/name], [name]Anja[/name], and [name]Cosette[/name] are also appealing. [name]Marlowe[/name] seems like one of the few truly androgynous names out there- rarely used as a first name, with the masculine namesakes balanced by the feminine sounds of [name]Marla[/name]/[name]Marlene[/name]/[name]Marilyn[/name]/[name]Margo[/name]. I like it. [name]Anja[/name] is a classic name- definitely can’t go wrong there. [name]Cosette[/name] is also all right, though the association with [name]Les[/name] Mis will be immediate for a long time to come, since the -ette names are not quite back in fashion and with the huge movie coming out next month (if [name]Colette[/name], [name]Babette[/name], [name]Georgette[/name], et al come back in style in a decade or two, I can see the connection to [name]Hugo[/name] lessening). [name]Josette[/name] is another option in a similar vein without the [name]Les[/name] Mis issue.