WDYT of this on a girl?

I was at a store today when a little girl (about 7 or so was being called by her mother to leave. Her name was [name]Blaze[/name] ([name]Blaise[/name]). Not sure of spelling but had never heard it on a girl before. [name]Just[/name] curious what others think?

Depends on the spelling to me. [name]Blaise[/name] reminds me of [name]Modesty[/name] [name]Blaise[/name].

The [name]Blaze[/name] spelling reminds me of [name]Blaze[/name] [name]Starr[/name], the burlesque star/ stripper who was involved with [name]Louisiana[/name] Gov. [name]Earl[/name] [name]Long[/name].

I’d prefer [name]Blaise[/name] and might consider it in the middle.

I can’t really picture it on a girl. I like [name]Blaise[/name] on a boy, it makes me think of [name]Saint[/name] [name]Blaise[/name], but I don’t think I’d be brave enough to use it because it sounds like [name]Blaze[/name].

Hmm…Interesting. [name]Blaise[/name] is a boys’ name to me, but I guess that [name]Blaze[/name] on a girl is better than [name]Flame[/name] or [name]Fire[/name].

Take care! :slight_smile:

I can’t picture [name]Blaise[/name] on a boy. On a girl… probably wouldn’t use it, but I don’t mind it at all.

on a girl NO.

It’s the name of a horse, to me.

[name]Blaise[/name] [name]Pascal[/name], French mathematician and physicist, decidedly male. [name]Blaze[/name], spelled as such and on a female, is definitely a stripper’s name.