WDYT of Zaden

Curious what some of the nameberry community think of [name]Zaden[/name].

My and DH style is kind of trendy/stylish/funky so it might find its way onto our list.

Trendy? Definitely. Stylish and funky? Definitely not.

Everyone liked the sound of [name]Aidan[/name]. [name]Xavier[/name] was hot, and the Z opening sound struck people as cool.

A name was born.

[name]Just[/name] another weird [name]Aidan[/name] variation to me. Sorry. I don’t like [name]Jayden[/name], [name]Hayden[/name], [name]Caden[/name], [name]Braeden[/name], et al. either though. I don’t mind [name]Aidan[/name]. But it is way too popular for my tastes.

A la the in defence of [name]Jayden[/name] post: I like the sound of [name]Zaden[/name]. I really do. There’s a reason all these names are so popular. But I do think you can easily find a name that’s going to be more timeless. All those pleasantly lilting rhyming names are really popular, and even if [name]Zaden[/name] is rarer than [name]Jayden[/name] and [name]Aiden[/name], he’s bound to have quite a few peers whose name rhymes with him if it isn’t full on identical.

I don’t mind it, but I think [name]Zane[/name] is available to you and a much cooler name.