See the results of this poll: Kinsley?
Respondents: 17 (This poll is closed)
- Love it : 4 (24%)
- Like it : 0 (0%)
- Neutral : 2 (12%)
- Dislike it : 7 (41%)
- Hate it: 4 (24%)
Respondents: 17 (This poll is closed)
I absolutely adore the name [name]Kinsley[/name]. Its on our list as [name]Kinsley[/name] [name]Marie[/name] [name]Kate[/name]. A lot of people find it cutesy and think it will not age well. My brother’s 7th grade English teacher is a Kynslee. I think since I have that association I can picture it aging just fine. I can picture a PTA mom [name]Kinsley[/name] over a PTA mom [name]Ava[/name] or [name]Sophie[/name].