We are due any day now...help!!!

Our baby is coming at any time and we still do not have a name we are loving. Help. We don’t know if it is a boy or a girl so we need both. We have a daughter named [name]Abigail[/name] and a son named [name]Ethan[/name].
Here is what we are kinda liking:
[name]Otto[/name] - my husband likes…not me.

[name]Josephine[/name] - family name

We welcome any suggestions…please help!

[name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name] are both relatively popular names that are conservative and sweet. Very nice choices, might I add!

From your list for boys, I think your best bets are [name]Garrett[/name] ([name]Gerrit[/name] looks REALLY odd to me…) and [name]Wyatt[/name]. For girls, my favorite to go with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name] is [name]Charlotte[/name] - keep it all in the beginning of the alphabet (ha!).

I’d eliminate [name]Eli[/name], [name]Everett[/name], and [name]Elizabeth[/name] because you already have [name]Ethan[/name], with an E name. Personally, I just think it works better to use different initials if you can!

You might want to try another Hebrew name, like [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]. For girls, what about [name]Hannah[/name]? Same sweet, soft sound that you have captured with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]'s names. You might also like [name]Rachel[/name], [name]Sarah[/name], or [name]Naomi[/name]. For a boy, you might like [name]Zachary[/name], but [name]Benjamin[/name], [name]Daniel[/name], [name]Jacob[/name], [name]Matthew[/name], [name]Nathan[/name], [name]Noah[/name], and [name]Samuel[/name] are all good options, too!

Good luck!

From your list I would pick [name]Wyatt[/name] and [name]Megan[/name]. They are consistent with your other children’s names and as the previous poster suggested have the distinction of different initials.

Good luck!

We welcome any suggestions…please help![/quote]

It seems you like sweet and simple names and popularity doesn’t bother you much. I love [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name], by the way! Though [name]Eli[/name] goes wonderfully, I think staying away from repeating the first initial of one of your other children would be a good idea. I’m not a fan of [name]Keegan[/name], [name]Gerrit[/name] or [name]Otto[/name]. [name]Everett[/name] and [name]Eli[/name] I eliminated because of the repeating ‘e’ beginning. That leaves [name]Wyatt[/name], which is a nice choice but not personally one of my favorite names. Here are some boy names I think would go well:
[name]Evan[/name] (whoops, starts with an ‘e’)

Now to the girls. [name]Meghan[/name] feels dated and trendy to me. I love [name]Josephine[/name] and think it goes wonderfully with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]! [name]Charlotte[/name] is gorgeous as well but I think I like [name]Josephine[/name] better with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]. [name]Elizabeth[/name] is a beautiful classic but I’m not really liking the first initial thing again. My first choice would be [name]Josephine[/name] (love the nns [name]Josie[/name] and [name]Jo[/name]/ey by the way!) followed by [name]Charlotte[/name]. Some suggestions:
[name]Emma[/name] (starts with an ‘e’ though)
[name]Alison[/name] (starts with an ‘a’)

Good luck :slight_smile:

If you really want to use a family name [name]Josephine[/name] is great! You could call her [name]Josie[/name].

I suggest either


I love [name]Eli[/name], [name]Wyatt[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], and [name]Elizabeth[/name]!
(I also love [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name])

That said, I think that [name]Eli[/name] is just too close to [name]Ethan[/name] in sound, and [name]Wyatt[/name] is just too different from your other children’s names in style. [name]Garret[/name] is a nice choice, but not my favorite. I think I would prefer [name]Jared[/name].
[name]Charlotte[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name] would work in this sibset, but like [name]Lemon[/name] said, I think I better see another Hebrew name here.

I love the suggestion of [name]Naomi[/name]. Also, have you considered [name]Lydia[/name] or [name]Miriam[/name]?

For boys, I like [name]Abram[/name] (even though it’s another A name), [name]Jacob[/name], or [name]Isaac[/name] because like [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Abigail[/name] they sound traditional and modern at the same time.



You have all given me lots to think about…which I really need to do! Thanks so much for all the suggestions and the kind words about the names I already choose for my children! Need to talk with the hubby and get this figured out asap!

I made comments in the quote above ^^^

Good luck! :slight_smile:

[name]Abigail[/name], [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Wyatt[/name]
[name]Abigail[/name], [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Megan[/name]
I think these are the best combinations.

[name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Everett[/name] are my favorites from your list…good luck(:

I adore [name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Everett[/name]! You may like [name]Hugo[/name] - it reminds me of [name]Otto[/name] (which I love), and of course there are [name]Leo[/name] (and it’s longer versions) and [name]Theodore[/name] nn [name]Theo[/name].

Good luck!

What do you think of [name]Caleb[/name] for a boy and possibly violet for a girl? I am really liking Jospehine grace and leaning towards caleb but am having a hard time with a 1 syllable middle name.

I think [name]Caleb[/name] would be perfect for a boy!!
[name]Violet[/name] is ok for a girl, but I don’t like it as much as [name]Josephine[/name].

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Caleb[/name] and I think it works wonderfully with [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Abigail[/name].

Some one syllable middle name suggestions:
[name]Caleb[/name] [name]Blaise[/name]
[name]Caleb[/name] [name]John[/name]
[name]Caleb[/name] [name]Saul[/name]
[name]Caleb[/name] [name]James[/name]
[name]Caleb[/name] [name]Seth[/name]

I know I’m going against the grain, but I love the name [name]Meghan[/name]. I’ve never met a [name]Meghan[/name] I didn’t like and the name just has the best connotations for me… Plus you could go with the nn [name]Meg[/name], [name]Meggie[/name] or [name]Maggie[/name] (all go well with her siblings). My other favorite is [name]Josephine[/name] nn [name]Josie[/name].

I like [name]Wyatt[/name], but that seems to be very trendy these days…have you thought about [name]Leo[/name]?

I love [name]Caleb[/name] individually and as a brother to [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]. Great option! [name]Violet[/name] fits with [name]Abigail[/name], I think, but maybe not as well with [name]Ethan[/name]. (Also not my favorite personally because my brain reads violent, but that problem obviously isn’t prevalent).

I’m only going to suggest girls because I think [name]Caleb[/name] is perfect:

Good luck!

[name]Everett[/name], [name]Josephine[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], and [name]Elizabeth[/name] are my favorites from your first list. :slight_smile:

I think that [name]Caleb[/name] works really well with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]…

Some more names I can see with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]:


[name]Hannah[/name] (beyond popular, though, and there’s [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Montana[/name]…)
[name]Rebecca[/name] (may feel a bit dated to some…)







Good luck, [name]Belle[/name]! :slight_smile: