Our baby is coming at any time and we still do not have a name we are loving. Help. We don’t know if it is a boy or a girl so we need both. We have a daughter named [name]Abigail[/name] and a son named [name]Ethan[/name].
Here is what we are kinda liking:
[name]Otto[/name] - my husband likes…not me.
[name]Josephine[/name] - family name
[name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name] are both relatively popular names that are conservative and sweet. Very nice choices, might I add!
From your list for boys, I think your best bets are [name]Garrett[/name] ([name]Gerrit[/name] looks REALLY odd to me…) and [name]Wyatt[/name]. For girls, my favorite to go with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name] is [name]Charlotte[/name] - keep it all in the beginning of the alphabet (ha!).
I’d eliminate [name]Eli[/name], [name]Everett[/name], and [name]Elizabeth[/name] because you already have [name]Ethan[/name], with an E name. Personally, I just think it works better to use different initials if you can!
You might want to try another Hebrew name, like [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]. For girls, what about [name]Hannah[/name]? Same sweet, soft sound that you have captured with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]'s names. You might also like [name]Rachel[/name], [name]Sarah[/name], or [name]Naomi[/name]. For a boy, you might like [name]Zachary[/name], but [name]Benjamin[/name], [name]Daniel[/name], [name]Jacob[/name], [name]Matthew[/name], [name]Nathan[/name], [name]Noah[/name], and [name]Samuel[/name] are all good options, too!
From your list I would pick [name]Wyatt[/name] and [name]Megan[/name]. They are consistent with your other children’s names and as the previous poster suggested have the distinction of different initials.
It seems you like sweet and simple names and popularity doesn’t bother you much. I love [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name], by the way! Though [name]Eli[/name] goes wonderfully, I think staying away from repeating the first initial of one of your other children would be a good idea. I’m not a fan of [name]Keegan[/name], [name]Gerrit[/name] or [name]Otto[/name]. [name]Everett[/name] and [name]Eli[/name] I eliminated because of the repeating ‘e’ beginning. That leaves [name]Wyatt[/name], which is a nice choice but not personally one of my favorite names. Here are some boy names I think would go well:
[name]Evan[/name] (whoops, starts with an ‘e’)
Now to the girls. [name]Meghan[/name] feels dated and trendy to me. I love [name]Josephine[/name] and think it goes wonderfully with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]! [name]Charlotte[/name] is gorgeous as well but I think I like [name]Josephine[/name] better with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]. [name]Elizabeth[/name] is a beautiful classic but I’m not really liking the first initial thing again. My first choice would be [name]Josephine[/name] (love the nns [name]Josie[/name] and [name]Jo[/name]/ey by the way!) followed by [name]Charlotte[/name]. Some suggestions:
[name]Emma[/name] (starts with an ‘e’ though)
[name]Alison[/name] (starts with an ‘a’)
I love [name]Eli[/name], [name]Wyatt[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], and [name]Elizabeth[/name]!
(I also love [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name])
That said, I think that [name]Eli[/name] is just too close to [name]Ethan[/name] in sound, and [name]Wyatt[/name] is just too different from your other children’s names in style. [name]Garret[/name] is a nice choice, but not my favorite. I think I would prefer [name]Jared[/name].
[name]Charlotte[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name] would work in this sibset, but like [name]Lemon[/name] said, I think I better see another Hebrew name here.
I love the suggestion of [name]Naomi[/name]. Also, have you considered [name]Lydia[/name] or [name]Miriam[/name]?
For boys, I like [name]Abram[/name] (even though it’s another A name), [name]Jacob[/name], or [name]Isaac[/name] because like [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Abigail[/name] they sound traditional and modern at the same time.
You have all given me lots to think about…which I really need to do! Thanks so much for all the suggestions and the kind words about the names I already choose for my children! Need to talk with the hubby and get this figured out asap!
[name]Abigail[/name], [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Wyatt[/name]
[name]Abigail[/name], [name]Ethan[/name] and [name]Megan[/name]
I think these are the best combinations.
I adore [name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Everett[/name]! You may like [name]Hugo[/name] - it reminds me of [name]Otto[/name] (which I love), and of course there are [name]Leo[/name] (and it’s longer versions) and [name]Theodore[/name] nn [name]Theo[/name].
What do you think of [name]Caleb[/name] for a boy and possibly violet for a girl? I am really liking Jospehine grace and leaning towards caleb but am having a hard time with a 1 syllable middle name.
I know I’m going against the grain, but I love the name [name]Meghan[/name]. I’ve never met a [name]Meghan[/name] I didn’t like and the name just has the best connotations for me… Plus you could go with the nn [name]Meg[/name], [name]Meggie[/name] or [name]Maggie[/name] (all go well with her siblings). My other favorite is [name]Josephine[/name] nn [name]Josie[/name].
I like [name]Wyatt[/name], but that seems to be very trendy these days…have you thought about [name]Leo[/name]?
I love [name]Caleb[/name] individually and as a brother to [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]. Great option! [name]Violet[/name] fits with [name]Abigail[/name], I think, but maybe not as well with [name]Ethan[/name]. (Also not my favorite personally because my brain reads violent, but that problem obviously isn’t prevalent).
I’m only going to suggest girls because I think [name]Caleb[/name] is perfect:
[name]Everett[/name], [name]Josephine[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], and [name]Elizabeth[/name] are my favorites from your first list.
I think that [name]Caleb[/name] works really well with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]…
Some more names I can see with [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Ethan[/name]:
[name]Hannah[/name] (beyond popular, though, and there’s [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Montana[/name]…)
[name]Rebecca[/name] (may feel a bit dated to some…)