I hope I am not being a nuisance, it has been such a struggle to find a name that we both love (or at this point like enough) for this baby who is destined to arrive any day now. I am driving my partner absultely crazy because everytime I think we have settled on a name, I sit with it for about a week, and then cannot help thinking about previous names that we were seriously considering. Anyone else struggle with this? Or a friend says “oh that’s too bad, I really liked _____” and then I think about that name all over again.
There are 2 names left, the middles are set for both, so please comment on the first names, and whether you like it or not with [name]Avery[/name]:
[name]Theo[/name] [name]Leander[/name] - With [name]Theo[/name], I struggle with it being somewhat nicknamey and I have read many forums on here to get a better sense of this. It seems people are split as to whether it is a name in it’s own right or should be a nickname for [name]Theodore[/name]. We don’t want [name]Theodore[/name], so it would be just [name]Theo[/name]. What do you think?
[name]Archer[/name] [name]Leo[/name] - With [name]Archer[/name], it feels like a name that is more “out there”, people I mention this name to either really like it or clearly don’t like it (which is ok, doesn’t really bother me). I think what kind of bothers me with this name is that [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Avery[/name] would have the same initial…with the vast amount of names out there, you would think I would be able to find one that doesn’t have the same initial, but maybe that’s not a huge deal? I’m back and forth on it.
Sorry for the long post. Please provide your opinion, I would really appreciate it!!
I much prefer [name]Theo[/name] [name]Leander[/name]. I think [name]Theo[/name] works fine as a name by itself : ) [name]Archer[/name] is just a surname/occupation to me.
I think [name]Theo[/name] & [name]Avery[/name] is adorable. I have a friend with a [name]Archer[/name]–it is cute but I do not like [name]Archie[/name] as a nickname. Good [name]Luck[/name]!
I like both of these names and considered both of them for the baby I’m carrying now. I say go with [name]Theo[/name] I think it has the same charm as [name]Avery[/name].
100 percent [name]Theo[/name]! I think it’s stands the test of time and works better with [name]Avery[/name]. I don’t understand why [name]Archer[/name] gets so much love on NB. I also have a thing about using the same intials…not a deal breaker but would avoid it if I could. Good luck!
At first I was going to say [name]Archer[/name]–but now that I think about it, I like [name]Theo[/name] [name]Leander[/name] quite a bit. It’s really different.
I definitely prefer [name]Theo[/name] over [name]Archer[/name]. [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Avery[/name] sound a bit like you we’re going for cutesy matching initial even though you aren’t.
I really like them both! Very tough. [name]Archer[/name] [name]Leo[/name] is so handsome and I love [name]Archie[/name] as a nickname. [name]Theo[/name] [name]Leander[/name] is also very handsome and I also prefer just [name]Theo[/name] over [name]Theodore[/name]. I think, though, I would personally rather have a [name]Theo[/name] over an [name]Archer[/name]. I can just picture it a little easier. Maybe just see which of the two you can picture on your child more easily and go with that one.
I prefer [name]Archer[/name] [name]Leo[/name]. [name]Theo[/name] [name]Leander[/name] is nice, but the repeating long “e” sound being so close together takes it down a notch for me. [name]Both[/name] are great!
I think I’d go with [name]Theo[/name] [name]Leander[/name], which is so handsome. [name]Theo[/name], as a stand alone name, is a lot more popular than [name]Theodore[/name] so obviously people here in the UK think it works.
I really like both, but with [name]Avery[/name], I prefer [name]Theo[/name] [name]Leander[/name]. I don’t find [name]Theo[/name] too “nicknamey” at all! It stands on it’s own quite well, and though it has a softer sound, I think it’s charming and boyish, and compliments [name]Avery[/name] nicely. And I love [name]Leander[/name] (for the sound, and for the flow with [name]Theo[/name]).
[name]Archer[/name] [name]Leo[/name] is great too (you seem to really like the “[name]Lee[/name]” sound, and names ending in “o” - a pattern I’m seeing in both your top 2 combinations!). You really can’t go wrong.
I love [name]Archer[/name] [name]Leo[/name]. It has a powerful, athletic feel that exudes confidence. [name]Theo[/name] [name]Leander[/name] has a more quiet style that feels bookish and timid to me.