I’m due with our first baby, a girl, in 7 weeks. My husband and I have had a very hard time finding a name we both love. We have come up with:
[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Both[/name] of us think it’s a beautiful name and are only worried about a couple things. First of all do you think it’s possible to have her called [name]Alexandra[/name] or will she eventually become “[name]Alex[/name]”? Second this will be the 3rd grandchild in my husband’s family. The other two are named “[name]Allie[/name]” and “[name]Zander[/name]”. [name]Will[/name] it be too weird for his family if we add an “[name]Alexandra[/name]” to the mix? We live across the country from his niece and nephew and only see them once year or so. Please let me know what you think.
[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Grace[/name] - a very pretty name!
[name]Both[/name] of these names are very popular, but I love them. I think two really cute nn’s for [name]Alexandra[/name] are [name]Zandra[/name] and [name]Zandie[/name]. Personally I wouldn’t repeat any of my siblings’ or cousins’ names that they have given their children because my family members were really close in the distant past. But my cousin [name]Ann[/name] named her daughter [name]Jane[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name] and another cousin [name]Philip[/name] who is also a cousin of [name]Ann[/name]'s named his son [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Clyde[/name]. I was kind of surprised that he did that. But since he lives in Alaska and [name]Ann[/name] lives in [name]Arizona[/name] and they never talk, he probably was unaware of [name]Jane[/name]'s middle name. I think it’s kind to ask your relatives if they mind whether you use the name they gave their child.