We had a GIRL! I am still shocked!

We were Team [name]Green[/name] but we really thought we were having a boy! All those Old Wives Tales? Didn’t work here! I had a big round belly, all in front. It was a classic BOY belly. When she was born, they announced, “It’s a girl!” And I replied, “WHAT?!?!?” :smiley: Needless to say, we are in love!

So, little [name]Miles[/name] [name]Henry[/name] turned out to be big (8 pounds, 7 ounces) [name]Nina[/name] [name]Lucille[/name]. She was born a week ago today on [name]July[/name] 14th, 15 days after her due date. She was 20.5 inches and has a full head of dark hair. She is our first but she has 5 older cousins, all girls, so we have been receiving boxes and boxes of pink clothes in the mail.

Thanks for letting me share!

Congratulations! Nice name. Did you have a back up girl name or did you have to find a girl name quickly?

Congratualtions!!! I totally remember receving a message from you because we both had [name]Nina[/name] and [name]Miles[/name] at the top of our lists! [name]Nina[/name] [name]Lucille[/name] is beautiful! I am due Sept. 6th and dont know the sex but so far have the classic boy symptoms. Congrats again to you and your family!

Oh my goodness! Congratulations and you are a good namer, [name]Nina[/name] [name]Lucille[/name] goes together really well. Please, please save [name]Miles[/name] [name]Henry[/name] for later, as you know as the mother of a [name]Miles[/name] I am mad for the name.

All the best,


Congratulations, and what a nice surprise! I feel for you, with your daughter being 15 days late! (My son was 12 days late, and was 8 lb. 10 oz.)
I love the name [name]Nina[/name] [name]Lucille[/name]! :smiley:

Oh, we are definitely saving [name]Miles[/name] for #2! Ironically, we were listening to [name]Miles[/name] [name]Davis[/name] during delivery, and the midwife came in and commented on our music selection, “Oh, [name]Miles[/name] [name]Davis[/name]! [name]How[/name] lovely!” so we told her if we had a boy, we’d be using the name [name]Miles[/name]. Since [name]Nina[/name] has been here, we’ve added some [name]Nina[/name] [name]Simone[/name] into the mix. She appears to like both.

I ended up being induced because I was 2 weeks past my due date. I wonder now when she would have arrived, had they not intervened. But, 8 pounds 7 ounces is plenty big - glad she came when she did!

Thanks for the well wishes. We are all doing great!

What a great idea to play [name]Miles[/name] [name]Davis[/name] music during delivery!

All the best! Two weeks over that’s a long time, but it is great to have baby with a good birth weight I remember too well the exhausting routine with my 6lbs 1oz baby.


Congrats and what a beautiful name you’ve chosen for your daughter! We recently added [name]Nina[/name] onto our list. [name]Love[/name] [name]Nina[/name] [name]Lucille[/name]! :slight_smile:

Congratulations!! [name]Nina[/name] [name]Lucille[/name] is gorgeous!! As is [name]Miles[/name] [name]Henry[/name]- if you one day have a son, he will be lucky to have such a wonderful name (much like [name]Nina[/name] is now)

[name]Nina[/name] [name]Simone[/name] and [name]Miles[/name] [name]Davis[/name] – I love it! Congratulations. Same thing happened to me with my first baby – sure it was a boy, shocked when the doctor said It’s a girl. All best wishes from everyone at Nameberry and thanks for letting us know your good news.

Congrats! [name]Nina[/name] [name]Lucille[/name] is a gorgeous name!
Take care :slight_smile:

Congrats! Her name is perfectly lovely!

Best to you guys. [name]Hope[/name] you’re getting some sleep :slight_smile:
