First of all the names that are set names that we have decided on…
[name]Lydia[/name]…My grandmothers name passed on for 3 generations. She is thrilled we are using it.
[name]Atalaya[/name](pronounced like [name]Maya[/name],it is a Spanish name ) a name my husband and I both love. I have sentimental feelings for this name as I grew up visiting a castle in SC called [name]Atalaya[/name].
The names to choose from are
*[name]Lydia[/name] [name]Atalaya[/name] [name]Jane[/name]…[name]Jane[/name] is a distant family name. My Great Grandmothers Aunt. We would call her [name]Attie[/name]
*[name]Lydia[/name] [name]Atalaya[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]…[name]Ruth[/name] is my husbands Great Aunt and his side of the family is really hoping we will pick this one because we haven’t chosen a name from his side of the family. We would call her Liddy [name]Rue[/name] or [name]Attie[/name] [name]Rue[/name]
I would go with [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Atalaya[/name] [name]Ruth[/name]. [name]Both[/name] [name]Jane[/name] and [name]Ruth[/name] work well but the family’s hopes weigh heavily in [name]Ruth[/name]'s favor. I also love the [name]Rue[/name] part of the nn.
I would choose [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Atalaya[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] to honour your husband’s side of the family. [name]Attie[/name] [name]Rue[/name] is adorable!
Such a cute name, and love the family meaning as well! I would go with [name]Ruth[/name] to honor your husband’s family, because the 1st 2 names honor your family and history.
It sounds like [name]Ruth[/name] would be more meaningful for you. They are equally nice, imo. So happy you were able to land on a great [name]Lydia[/name]/[name]Atalaya[/name] combo!
I love both but I also vote [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Atalaya[/name] [name]Ruth[/name] to honor your husband’s side of the family. I also prefer [name]Ruth[/name] over [name]Jane[/name] in general, and [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Atalaya[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is a lot of As for one name
Despite the family reasons, which seem much more in favor of [name]Ruth[/name], [name]Ruth[/name] is more unexpected and interesting than [name]Jane[/name]. So [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Atalaya[/name] [name]Ruth[/name], all the way.
Thanks everyone. I was concerned about naming her [name]Ruth[/name] because in another poll it seamed everyone seems to favor [name]Jane[/name]. If you think [name]Ruth[/name] sounds as good than thats the choice we should make. I do think its important to honor My husbands family. I feel better about this name combo! I also think [name]Rue[/name] is sweet!
The [name]Rue[/name] part of the nn is adorable with either [name]Attie[/name] or Liddy so I would absolutely go with [name]Ruth[/name] not to mention you get the brownie point for using one of his family names
[name]Attie[/name] [name]Rue[/name] is adorably, so that’s my pick! I’m originally from SC and went to [name]Huntington[/name] [name]Beach[/name] State [name]Park[/name] as a kid. My siblings and I did a long weekend nature explorer thing where we got to camp in the castle, but we ended up camping in the courtyard because I was afraid of ghosts!