We have a daughter named [name]Alivia[/name], and are expecting girl #2. We had originally chose [name]Aubree[/name], they sound good together and we love it, but it’s become so popular we don’t really want to use it now, though we still love it.
Anyways we made a new list and I was wondering what the berries thought
[name]Aubriana[/name] (nn could still be [name]Aubri[/name])
Embree (similar to [name]Aubree[/name] but more unique)
[name]Emery[/name]/[name]Emerie[/name] (don’t know if the -ie ending makes it more girlie)
Any advice, opinions on the names, etc. would be appreciated!
[name]Elliana[/name] for me, although I prefer the [name]Eliana[/name] spelling. It just seems so much prettier and classier to me, and I think [name]Alivia[/name] and [name]Eliana[/name] are great for sisters.
I really like [name]Elliana[/name] with [name]Alivia[/name]! I also like [name]Embry[/name], [name]Embry[/name] for me is surnamey, while Embree is more of an [name]Emily[/name]-[name]Bree[/name] smush, but to each his own of course. I’m not a big fn of [name]Aubrey[/name] and variants.
Not sure if youre looking for ideas or just to narrow, but these came to mind from your list: [name]Emilia[/name] ([name]Alivia[/name] & [name]Emilia[/name] just “match” in my head), [name]Elyssa[/name], [name]Elyse[/name], [name]Everly[/name], [name]Amaya[/name], [name]Emelda[/name]
[name]Aubree[/name] is nice and it’s so much less common than [name]Olivia[/name] (I mean, yes, your daughter is spelled [name]Alivia[/name], but it’s still kind of the same), so I say go for it, your first daughters name is far more popular.
I do prefer the Aubrey spelling but I think as a sibset Aubree is fine, too.
[name]Aubree[/name] is kind of like the less popular spelling of [name]Aubrey[/name] and [name]Alivia[/name] is the slightly less popular version of the popular [name]Olivia[/name]. I think they work fine together.
I also think that [name]Alivia[/name]/[name]Olivia[/name] is much more popular than [name]Aubrey[/name]/[name]Aubree[/name]. So if that’s the one you really love, I wouldn’t worry about popularity!! I think [name]Aubrey[/name] looks prettier, but either way [name]Aubrey[/name] and [name]Alivia[/name] are nice together in my opinion! I also like [name]Elliana[/name] and it was on my list for a while until my DH vetoed it. good luck!