See the results of this poll: Zsolt or Stavros?
Respondents: 74 (This poll is closed)
- Zsolt (Zh-owlt, one syllable, like Colt) : 20 (27%)
- Stavros (Stahv-roce): 54 (73%)
Respondents: 74 (This poll is closed)
I’d choose [name_m]Stavros[/name_m], I think it’s a pretty name with a good meaning
[name_m]Stavros[/name_m]. Zsolt is really hard to pronounce and it doesn’t work well in english speaking countries because getting a zolt is slang for when you shock yourself (electricity). It’s also slang for a hard drug where i live.
[name_m]Stavros[/name_m]! [name_m]Little[/name_m] Stavi is so adorable.
I think you can get away with Zsolt if it’s a family name, but otherwise it sounds like one of the outrageous names used in parodies about upper-class hipster parents and their precious snowflake children.
I like [name_m]Stavros[/name_m] a lot! Like a previous poster said (hannahcarmeen), Stavi is an adorable nickname!
I voted for [name_m]Stavros[/name_m] because if I saw it I’d know how to pronounce it and recognize it as a name. Zsolt, not so much.
I could come around to Zsolt if it was explained to me, but if initial reactions of stranger from another culture bother you I’d go with [name_m]Stavros[/name_m].
Good luck!
I voted for Zsolt. I know a [name_m]Zoltan[/name_m] (Hungarian) and so the name is more approachable for me. Btw he goes by Zoli, which I really love
I voted for [name_m]Stavros[/name_m] for the same reasons as flowermae. However, I also like Zsolt - it’s different but still cute and as a [name_u]Brit[/name_u] it hasn’t got any negative connotations for me. I just wouldn’t have any idea on how to pronounce it on first sight.
[name_m]Stavros[/name_m] strikes me as a super sexy name. All male models should be named [name_m]Stavros[/name_m].
I picked [name_m]Stavros[/name_m] because it feels more familiar and is easier to pronounce.
I choose Zsolt. I’m American, but live in Hungary, so it’s a familiar name to me. Explaining in writing that it’s pronounced “Zh” at the beginning doesn’t mean anything to me. I would explain that it sounds like a [name_m]French[/name_m] “J” like “Je”. Here Zsolts are often nicknamed Zsolti, which I think is cute for a boy.