Roll any even sided die for the spouses’ genders. Even is female, odd is male (Or you can just pick, and of course they can always be nonbinary!)
Roll a 12 sided die for the first spouses’ age. You can choose the second spouses’ age based on their age.
1 21-22
2 23-24
3 25-26
4 27-28
5 29-30
6 31-32
7 33-34
8 35-36
9 37-38
10 39-40
11 40+
12 You choose
Roll a 12 sided die to determine if the couple already has children
1-3, 5, 7, 9, 11- No
4 Yes, together
6 Yes, they were originally one spouses’ kids as a single parent.
8 Yes, Together
10 Both spouses have kids from previous relationships
12 Yes, from a previous marriage
If you rolled yes, roll a d6 for how many children they have if 26+, and a d4 if 25 and under. If both spouses already had kids, you can choose to roll twice.
Roll any even die for the childrens’ genders (even is a girl, odd is a boy.) You decide how old the kids are.
Family- Do this for each spouse
- Roll a d6 to see how many children the parents of the spouse has. (If it is 1, the spouse is an only child.)
- Roll a d10. If you rolled a 4 or 9 their parents are divorced. You can roll for or make half/step siblings if you like.
- Roll a die with the number of sides of the number of children the parents have to see birth order of the spouse. (So if you rolled a 4, use a d4. If you rolled a 3, put a 3 in the dX at the bottom and roll that.)
- Roll for the genders of the spouse’s siblings (Even is girl, odd is boy, or make them nonbinary.)
- Roll a d6 for each age gap between siblings. A 6 means there is no age gap and they are twins (or triplets if you roll two 6s in a row).
- If you see fit, roll for sibling’s children. Roll any even die for the childrens’ genders (even is a girl, odd is a boy.) You decide how old the kids are.
If you want to, you can also roll for extended family:
- Roll a d6 to see how many children one set of grandparents had. (If it is 1, the parent is an only child.)
- Roll a die with the number of sides of the number of children the grandparents have to see birth order of the parent. (So if you rolled a 4, use a d4. If you rolled a 3, put a 3 in the dX at the bottom and roll that.)
- Roll for the genders of the parent’s siblings (Even is girl, odd is boy, or make them nonbinary.)
- Roll a d6 for each age gap between siblings. A 6 means there is no age gap and they are twins (or triplets if you roll two 6s in a row).
- If you see fit, roll for cousins. Roll any even die for the childrens’ genders (even is a girl, odd is a boy.)
- If you want, to decide how old the cousins are you can roll a d6 for each age gap between siblings. A 6 means there is no age gap and they are twins (or triplets if you roll two 6s in a row).
Who is the flower girl(s)? Roll a d6.
- A young family member
- The child of a friend
- A dog
- A grandparent/ older family member
- No flower girl
- You choose
Who is the ring bearer? Roll a d6.
- A young family member
- The child of a friend
- A dog
- A grandparent/older family member
- No flower girl
- You choose
How many people does each spouse have in their wedding party (ie groomsmen, bridesmaids, etc) Roll a d4.
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-8
- 9+
Who is each member of the wedding party? (roll d6 for each member)
- A childhood friend
- A family member
- A friend from college
- A friend made as an adult
- A family member
- You choose