I’m planning on adding a Weimaraner pup to my family in the next year or so but I have lost all of my “possible pet name” lists. This is a crazy occurrence for me, but I can always re-collect, right? That’s where you guys come in! Can you please help me compile a list of names that would fit a beautiful Weimaraner? Gender doesn’t matter. The only thing I ask is please don’t base all the names you post on their color. Names like [name]Silver[/name], [name]Gray[/name], or [name]Caspar[/name] are OVERLY obvious and slightly annoying, haha.
If it’s helpful, my other two dogs (both Cavalier [name]King[/name] [name]Charles[/name] Spaniels) are named [name]Abbott[/name] and Brinkley. My dogs from my younger days (who live with my parents) are Charidy and [name]Boaz[/name]. I rather like unusual names, I guess.
mischa, thanks so much! From your list, I really like:
[name]Hugo[/name] (saved for an actual baby though, haha)