Weird Family Names

We all seem to have [name]James[/name] and [name]Ann[/name] back in our familes somewhere… but what are some of the weird or unusual names you have heard were related to you?

Mine are:
[name]Claude[/name] (my dad’s actual first name until he switched to his middle due to teasing. Poor kid… and his siblings were [name]Jeff[/name], [name]Kathy[/name], [name]Danny[/name], and [name]Larra[/name]!)
Hascal (my grandfather’s middle… [name]Larry[/name] Hascal!)
[name]Orrin[/name] (my grandmother’s grandfather… I would maybe use this!)
[name]Pansy[/name] (my mother’s birthmother’s aunt… her sisters were [name]Daisy[/name], [name]Rose[/name] and [name]Iris[/name])

What are yours?

I have Notie (prn: No-tee) no idea where that came from. And several named [name]Phyllis[/name], I cannot imagine having that name…

Ingebor. Sup, Norwegians?

Avena? no idea where this came from same with…

[name]Tilla[/name] and his son [name]Tilly[/name]

[name]Ignatius[/name]. He went by his middle name, [name]Palmer[/name].

I have been tracing my family tree for years, maybe partially because of my love of names :slight_smile: I’m a first time poster and this subject is perfect for me :slight_smile:

Here are a few I found:

[name]Achsah[/name] - female distant cousin born c. 1800
Acle [name]Almus[/name] - male distant cousin born 1894
Adath Irel - female distant cousin born 1919…I’m going to leave off the distant cousin part since that’s probably what they all are :slight_smile:
Alexandrian Morrell male born 1891
[name]Almeta[/name] - female
Alney [name]Roscoe[/name] - male
Ambeleene - female
[name]Amiel[/name] - male
Annanais Powaten - male
Articilia - female
Artilissa - female
[name]Arvy[/name] - male
Arzie - female
[name]Assunta[/name] - female
Atta - female
Aulcie - female
[name]Azariah[/name] - male
Azell - male

And those are just the A’s :slight_smile: … my favorite unusual family name off the top of my head… Greenberry [name]Marion[/name]… He was my 3rd great grand uncle… and one of two Greenberry’s in my family tree.

Wow, lisajenise! Those are all pretty crazy, though some of them are great and usable! Greenberry would probably be my favorite, too. I would love to do family tree research. I just have to get my grandmother’s notes!

Btw, welcome to Nameberry and happy first post to you! :slight_smile:

I have a [name]Granville[/name] [name]Cecil[/name] and an [name]Olga[/name] [name]Crescentia[/name]

[name]Lillis[/name], [name]Percy[/name], [name]Philomena[/name], Arvander, [name]Julius[/name], [name]Margot[/name] (love!), Kevilline, and Chino all feature in my family tree!

The one I’ve been thinking about lately is [name]Drury[/name]. My dad showed me his family tree app a couple weeks ago (lol, he has an app for EVERYTHING, and he’s crazy-excited-like-a-little-kid about them all!), just so I could look at the names, and I saw there were several Drurys! I was like, “Oh, that’s interesting!” My mom and sisters were like, “[name]ASHLEY[/name], [name]DON[/name]'T [name]DO[/name] ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT!” lol. I think they think I want to use every name I mention liking. haha.

There’s a [name]Cora[/name] [name]Minerva[/name] that’s a great-great grandma of mine or something. I always thought that was pretty. And somewhere on my dad’s side there was a [name]George[/name] [name]Abraham[/name] [name]Garfield[/name] something or other. His parents must have been the most patriotic I’ve ever come across, lol.

I just took a closer look at my family tree, and I’m stinkin’ amazed. It’s filled with these classic, timeless, stunning [name]German[/name] names and I weirdly found so many of my favorites there… [name]Avery[/name] (boy), [name]Noah[/name], [name]August[/name], [name]Olive[/name]/[name]Olivia[/name] (spelled [name]Alivia[/name], but still), [name]Henry[/name], [name]Oscar[/name], [name]Clara[/name], [name]Emeline[/name], [name]Rachel[/name], [name]Daniel[/name], [name]Samuel[/name], [name]Silas[/name], [name]Magdalena[/name] (SO many!), [name]Lydia[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Grace[/name] (full name [name]Grace[/name] [name]Elinor[/name]–so in love!), [name]Jonas[/name], [name]Elias[/name], [name]Lena[/name], [name]Lila[/name], [name]Else[/name] (said [name]Elsa[/name]), [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Ezra[/name], etc. Found so many combos I love, too. My favorites being [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Phoebe[/name], [name]Viola[/name] [name]Matilda[/name], and [name]Henry[/name] [name]Willoughby[/name]… seems like something most Berries would love, haha.

Also found a sibset: [name]Hettie[/name], [name]Harry[/name], [name]Lottie[/name], [name]Lizzie[/name], and [name]Joseph[/name]… all of them struck me as so matchy except for [name]Joseph[/name]! Also found two brothers, [name]Rutherford[/name] [name]Hayes[/name] and [name]Ulysses[/name] [name]Grant[/name], lol. Apparently, I come from a fan of huge patriots.

Other interesting names I found:
Shadrack (like Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego?)
Cosmos (lol)
[name]Kermit[/name] (the Frog?)
[name]Florence[/name] [name]Hazel[/name] (love [name]Hazel[/name]!)
Zoranda (also went by Zadora?)
Seludy (a bunch of them!)
Casst (what the?!)
Sebilla (much prefer [name]Sybil[/name] or [name]Sybella[/name]…)
[name]Anna[/name] [name]Clara[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] (just in love with this… so stunningly beautiful)
[name]Naoma[/name] (instead of [name]Naomi[/name]?!)
[name]Lafayette[/name] [name]Franklin[/name] (makes me smile… I always loved [name]Lafayette[/name] in the American Revolution…)
Elshe (no clue how to say this, even)
Gaitha [name]Mozelle[/name] (Huh?!)
[name]Cornelia[/name] Emerjane (Emerjane is just weird. My grandma said she had some relative named Emeryjane, too…)
[name]Mary[/name] Freelove (Freelove I think is funny… [name]LOVE[/name] Lovejoy and Loveday, though…)
Balthaser (and a [name]Balthazar[/name])
Trissila (MN for a [name]Maria[/name])
Lavantia [name]Elmira[/name] (the epitome of ugly grandma name, if you ask me!)

And, drumroll… the absolute best weird family name I found, haha:


It cracks me up. Poor guy must have hated his name, lol.


That’s HILARIOUS!!! Hahaha sorry, I had to!

Still, there are so many gems!

My great grandmother was [name]Allison[/name] (where I got my name). Her two sisters were [name]Lizzy[/name] (just [name]Lizzy[/name], apparently), and [name]Corisande[/name]. I love [name]Corisande[/name]! Also, one of my great grandfather was [name]Harold[/name] [name]Garnet[/name]. [name]Harold[/name]…meh. But I love [name]Garnet[/name], probably more for a girl, though.

I also have a Greenberry in my family tree. Plus [name]Squire[/name], [name]Colly[/name] (don’t know if this is pronounced like “[name]Collie[/name]” or “Coalie”), [name]Asa[/name], and [name]Clifford[/name] - just to name a few.

[name]Almina[/name] - my grandmother’s middle name
Elthelred - My grandfather’s middle name

I know there are more, but I don’t remember them. I like [name]Claude[/name] though! But as a middle name more. [name]Larra[/name]'s pretty.

Most of my ancestors have boring common names, except for [name]Cornelius[/name], my Irish GG-Grandfather, and Juozas, my Lithuanian G-Grandfather. Juozas is the Lithuanian version of [name]Joseph[/name] though, so it’s probably not weird over there.

I know! I am sort of liking [name]Claude[/name]… but I could never do that to my child after knowing what my dd went through. Kids were mean back in the late 60’s. He got called dirt claude everyday. I think [name]Larra[/name] is pretty, too! But I wasn’t counting her as a weird name. I just listed the siblings to highlight how weird my dad’s name was… like why would my grandparents put [name]Claude[/name] right in the middle of some of the most normal , popular names? [name]Kathy[/name], [name]Jeff[/name], [name]Claude[/name], [name]Danny[/name] and [name]Larra[/name].

One that pops up on my tree a few times is [name]Tyre[/name]. I always thought “what’s a guy named [name]Tyre[/name] doing in the 1800s?” because I thought it was pronounced “ty-ree.” Come to find out [name]Tyre[/name] originated as a short form of McIntyre and was pronounced more like “tire” or “ty-ra.” Other interesting finds:

Boland Stark
[name]Green[/name] [name]Berry[/name] (I’ve got this one too!)
[name]Zilla[/name] [name]Ann[/name]/Zillia [name]Ann[/name]/Zilly [name]Ann[/name]/Zillian (can’t find a consistent spelling)

Malpas! My grandfather had it, my uncle had it and now my brother has it ([name]Thomas[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] Malpas) - pretty weird huh.

We also have [name]Barclay[/name], which I think is less ‘weird’ although not standard. I would definitely choose [name]Barclay[/name] over Malpas. I am a second generation [name]Alice[/name]-[name]Rose[/name] which I quite like. Other family name is [name]Thomas[/name] which I quite like so might choose that.