Welcome Kier

My best friend of 20 years welcomes her son [name]Kier[/name] [name]Briton[/name].

[name]Little[/name] brother to my Godson, [name]Layne[/name] [name]Morrison[/name].

As a proud auntie & [name]Berry[/name], I think both boys’ names are just perfect.

Congratulations to your best friend! [name]Layne[/name] [name]Morrison[/name] and [name]Kier[/name] [name]Briton[/name] make a lovely sib-set.

I love the name [name]Kier[/name]! So happy to see it used, and [name]Kier[/name] [name]Briton[/name] is a lovely combination. Congratulations to your best friend!