VThe more you see it and hear it?
For me it’s everly, I love the way its pronounced I just wish it had some type of origin, and a different spelling.
VThe more you see it and hear it?
For me it’s everly, I love the way its pronounced I just wish it had some type of origin, and a different spelling.
[name]Caroline[/name] was one I never really cared for and now I love it after watching 2 Broke Girls. I guess I just heard the name enough plus I love the character in the show.
For me it’s [name]Alice[/name]. At first it was an Ugh! name…now, it seems to be growing on me.
Although it’s not a recent change for me, [name]Agatha[/name]. I used to hate it but somehow it just grew on me and now it’s a favorite. I just wish everyone else would see how beautiful it is and not act like I’m trying to name my kid something awful ( I was going to say, “like [name]Bertha[/name]” but then I realized that it’s not way off from [name]Agatha[/name], haha).
[name]Olive[/name] is the main one. I used to think this was such a hideous name, akin to naming a daughter [name]Eunice[/name] or [name]Bertha[/name], but I’ve warmed to it enough to pair it in a combo with [name]Daphne[/name]. [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Olive[/name] is the pairing I would use, and I quite like the sound of it.
Oh my gosh, this has been happening a lot lately:
I know there are more both those are the top
The two that come to mind are:
I wasn’t a fan of these names before, but they have grown on me. I like them quite a bit now.
[name]Louisa[/name]. My husband suggested it to go with [name]Claire[/name] as a way to honor his Grandma [name]Betty[/name] [name]Lou[/name]. At first I was like, “uh, no!” But the more I thought on it the more I liked it so hopefully in [name]August[/name] of 2013 we will have a little [name]Claire[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name] [name]Louisa[/name]! ( I am hoping for a girl)
Also, [name]Eliza[/name] and [name]Sophia[/name] were names I never really thought much about. I used to dislike [name]Eliza[/name] and didn’t see anything spectacular about [name]Sophia[/name]. Now [name]Sophia[/name] is our #2 name after [name]Claire[/name]. I ended up taking [name]Eliza[/name] off the list, but I still think it is cute. Especially the nickname [name]Liza[/name]!
[name]Beatrice[/name], even though it’s more a off and on name. Sometimes I can’t see the appeal at all other times it’s quirky and gorgeous. Another name that I’m so surprised to be liking more is [name]Pippa[/name]. [name]Phillipa[/name] still isn’t a favorite of mine at all but [name]Pippa[/name] is starting to sound better to my ears.
For boys [name]James[/name] has been really growing on me as a first. A couple days ago, more like two, it actually clicked that [name]James[/name] was a handsome first name.
I had the same problem with [name]Everly[/name] for the longest time. I absolutely loved the sound, but hated the spelling because all I saw was [name]Beverly[/name] with the B lopped off. Then one day I saw it spelled Everleigh and fell head over heels!
I did some research, and it was actually originally a boys’ name, like [name]Ashley[/name] or [name]Meredith[/name], moved to the girls for the feminine sounds. It means “boar meadow” or “grazing meadow” depending on the source. Behind the Name is always really accurate, and they say it’s from [name]Everley[/name] (Old English) meaning “wild boar wood.” I’m not crazy about the boar part, but I love the wild wood!
My favorite combo is [name]Alice[/name] Everleigh. I absolutely love the way it sounds, all soft and liquid. [name]Alice[/name] is my one popular crush. Such a dainty name with such kickass namesakes (explorer of Wonderland, particularly awesome in the [name]Burton[/name] version, clairvoyant vampire, multiple rock musicians, and let’s not forget the psychic zombie-slaying superwoman from Resident Evil ^_^). But now I’m just getting off topic
There have been a few for me, but the only one I can think of is [name]Lydia[/name]. I met the sweetest baby named [name]Lydia[/name] this summer at my new church and have started watching her periodically. I kind of like the name now.
[name]Cosima[/name] and [name]Beau[/name].
Two so far from my very conservative taste in names, yet I find myself to love them a little bit more everytime I see them.
I think the main thing is the sounds of both names, saying both out loud sounds really good. [name]Cosima[/name] in particular.
I’ve had so many cases of this! More so with girls, than boys:
[name]Gemma[/name], [name]Agatha[/name], [name]Louisa[/name], [name]Calla[/name], [name]Waverly[/name], [name]Coral[/name], [name]Amaryllis[/name], [name]Catherine[/name], [name]Phoebe[/name], [name]Corinne[/name], [name]Egypt[/name], [name]Athena[/name], [name]Marianna[/name], [name]Octavia[/name], [name]Aubrey[/name], [name]Concordia[/name], [name]Alberta[/name], [name]Ainsley[/name], [name]Pomeline[/name], [name]Lois[/name], [name]Quincy[/name]
[name]Wiley[/name], [name]Calvin[/name], [name]Jebediah[/name], [name]Harlan[/name], [name]Eamon[/name], [name]Arrow[/name], [name]Morrisey[/name]
I’ve become obsessed with [name]Calla[/name] & [name]Coral[/name] in particular, and I’m in the process of warming up to trendier names like [name]Aubrey[/name], [name]Waverly[/name], [name]Paisley[/name], [name]Finley[/name] and [name]Ainsley[/name] (though at a gingerly pace).
The most recent one for me is [name]Florence[/name]. I used to think it was just dreadful but lately I’ve taken a shine to it. I think because of [name]Florence[/name] + the Machine, plus the fact that I recently realized you could use the nickname [name]Ren[/name] for it. I could never use it though. [name]One[/name], my husband isn’t on board with it and two, the next town over from my hometown is named [name]Florence[/name], so I think my family would find it kind of weird.
A name that I was considering for my daughter - [name]Estelle[/name]. I did not like it at first, but I grew to love it once I knew the meaning and said it in my head a few times. I was sad that my husband vetoed it.
To me the name [name]Stella[/name] always sounded a bit plain, but I’ve begun to really like it. I might even consider to use this name if I were to expect again.
[name]Henry[/name]. I used to be just “meh” about it, it reminded me of [name]Henry[/name] [name]Fussy[/name] from [name]Charlotte[/name]'s [name]Web[/name], and although he was a sweet character, the last name bugged me. But I’ve really grown to like it now.
I have to say a lot of the older names like [name]Agatha[/name] and [name]Lavinia[/name] and starting to grow on me.
So are names that are popular with people my age group like [name]Jessica[/name], [name]Jennifer[/name] and [name]Ashley[/name]. Probably, since I’m no longer in school, these names are starting to sound less annoying.
For boys the [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name]-esque names are REALLY growing on me, [name]Albus[/name] in particular.
[name]Snow[/name]…only because I’ve been watching the series “Once Upon A Time”…certainly not because of snowy roads. That I do NOT like.