I have a few of the top of my head that I wouldn’t use ([name]Anna[/name], [name]Annabell[/name], [name]Annaliese[/name], etc.), but what are yours? And why can’t you use them? I can’t use the names I picked because I know a girl named [name]Anna[/name] that my husband dated when he was younger, I don’t really like the girl, and he has somewhat bad associations with her, so that name is basically out, including all other names that would result in nn [name]Anna[/name].
I love the name [name]Caleb[/name], but my husband has a close cousin with that name. Same for the names [name]Noah[/name], [name]Isaiah[/name], and [name]Brian[/name]…
[name]Josephine[/name] - feminization of an ex’s name
[name]Violet[/name] - would cause family drama
[name]Susannah[/name] - would cause family drama
[name]Luke[/name] - cousin picked [name]Lucas[/name] for his kid
[name]Nathan[/name] - see above
[name]Stephen[/name] / [name]Steven[/name] - It’s my brother-in-law’s name, which is fine, but it’s also the name of my former stepfather, who I will forever associate the name with and who was an awful human being. I probably wouldn’t use it anyway, since I usually prefer something a bit quirkier, but it’s unfortunate that a perfectly good classic name’s ruined for me.
[name]William[/name] - because our surname is the same as a very famous [name]William[/name] from history.
[name]Akasha[/name], because i gave it to my cat.
[name]Calla[/name] [name]Rose[/name] because my very close neice is [name]Scarlett[/name]-[name]Rose[/name].
[name]Iris[/name] [name]Wren[/name] as it’s too similar to DD1’s name [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Fae[/name].
[name]Beatrix[/name]- I adore it but it would probably cause jealously/drama within family
[name]Kathleen[/name]- a weird GP of mine as it is so not my style, but it would cause unbelievable offence in my family
[name]Todd[/name] - Its sweet and simple, I love it! DH wasn’t taken with it though.
[name]Josephine[/name]. It rhymes with my last name.
[name]Juniper[/name]- Our last name ends in -er, so it doesn’t sound well together. I love the name though.
[name]Jasper[/name]- Again it’s the -er ending, plus I would never ever use it as it is the name of a town where a terrible hate crime occurred.
[name]Brady[/name] - on a girl. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I totally trashed it when someone else mentioned it, but I keep saying [name]Brady[/name] over and over and I can’t help but imagine a sweet little girl… it has such a soft, girly sound to me now. Urgh. But with [name]Brody[/name] being on my top 10 for a boy and the whole world seeing [name]Brady[/name] as so boyish (and with me having a strictly no-unisex-names on girls policy), it’s never gonna happen.
[name]Annabel[/name]/[name]Arabella[/name] - I seem to be a huge sucker for -belle/-bella names on girls but since [name]Isabelle[/name] is my top choice and I don’t see that changing (I’ve tried to see if [name]Annabel[/name] or [name]Arabella[/name] would win out, since they’re less common, but no, not happening! I just love [name]Isabelle[/name]), so [name]Annabel[/name] and [name]Arabella[/name] are just unusable. Of course, my mom suggested me using [name]Isabelle[/name] and [name]Annabel[/name] together if I ever have twins. ha.
[name]Poppy[/name] - absolutely love it, but I like [name]Posey[/name] slightly more and it’s pretty much decided that my dad will go by “[name]Poppy[/name]” to his grandchildren. And my sister and I call him Papi. haha. So it’s not happening.
[name]Tilly[/name]/[name]Posey[/name]/[name]Lola[/name] - all way too nicknamey for me to use in real life, but I can’t find a full name I like anywhere near as much as the nickname. And I’m strictly a full name with a nickname sort of girl.
[name]Cohen[/name] - I love this for a boy (and definitely don’t want to start up the big debate again!), but I have too many Jewish friends (and respect Jewish culture as a whole too much) to use it. I’d love to be able to get behind some of the [name]Cohen[/name]-sound-alikes, but [name]Coen[/name], Cohan, and Cowan just don’t appeal to me like [name]Cohen[/name] does.
This doesn’t even include the names my sisters have “claimed”–their minds change so frequently that it’s not even worth worrying about yet, haha. If I did, [name]Samuel[/name], [name]Spencer[/name], [name]Ezra[/name], [name]Everett[/name], [name]Brody[/name], [name]Olivia[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Julia[/name], etc., would also be out…
[name]Primrose[/name] - I’m not brave enough to use it.
We’re having our final child. a boy, this summer, so a whole host of names I love will no longer be usable:
[name]Hannah[/name] - It still feels fresh to me in the right combo, but I feel it’s overused and might sound dated within my future daughter’s peer group.
[name]Isabel[/name]/[name]Isabella[/name] - It would honor a late family member who basically raised my mom, but it’s too popular.
[name]Jacob[/name] - Would directly honor my late uncle, but it’s far too popular and overused.
[name]James[/name] - Too popular
[name]William[/name] - The first name of one of my cousins (even though he goes by his MN), also far too popular.
[name]Hannah[/name] - Fiance’s ex’s name.
[name]Devin[/name], [name]Evan[/name], [name]Nicholas[/name] - Ex’s names.
[name]Felicia[/name], [name]Felicity[/name], [name]Fiona[/name] - Fiance’s last name starts with F, not a fan of alliteration.
[name]Aria[/name] - Used to work at a place with this name.
[name]Aidan[/name] and [name]Braden[/name] - Too popular/trendy. Also rather not have my son’s name rhyme with our friend’s son’s name ([name]Kaeden[/name]).
I’m sure I’ll think of more…