What are your names?

why do you like,love, hate them? the story of your name. or you kids names. just an interesting subject…

I was suppose to be [name]Ayla[/name] or [name]Alaina[/name]. My parents had friends that their daughters name was [name]Michon[/name]. Mom kinda liked it, but never thought much of it. Everyone in my family Thought [name]Alaina[/name] or [name]Ayla[/name]. but when i was born(nameless for 2 days) except my middle and last names. when the nurse told my mom she had to name me and she said [name]Michon[/name]. The nurse was like that’s pretty and how do you spell that? mom looked at her and just started spelling it Machion. It was pretty close added a letter and switched one. I use to hate it, but now i’m in love with it. and people i meet love it, i have even met celeberties and they even stop and compliment me on my name. :slight_smile:

I had many J and L names lined up for me. Mom had [name]Jacqueline[/name], [name]Janice[/name], [name]Janelle[/name], [name]Janet[/name], [name]Lindsey[/name], and [name]Lacey[/name] shudder lined up as possibilities. Dad was kind of set on [name]Lucy[/name], but it was quickly turned down when Mom said, “As in I [name]Love[/name] [name]Lucy[/name]?” I guess I could see myself as a [name]Janice[/name] or [name]Janelle[/name], all but [name]Lacey[/name] are okay I guess. I don’t have good associations with the name [name]Lacey[/name], so I’m relived Mom didn’t go with that.

My middle name, [name]Hart[/name], was set in stone. I guess Mom eventually settled on my first name being [name]Natalie[/name], named after the actress [name]Natalie[/name] [name]Wood[/name]. I’m happy with my name, although when I was little, I didn’t like the fact my middle name was a last name. Now, I’m honored to have my middle name be after either my great-grandmother’s surname or the famous [name]Hart[/name] family. (depends on who tells the story of how I got my middle name)

I was supposed to be either [name]Marissa[/name] or [name]Rebecca[/name] [name]Rochelle[/name] nn [name]Becca[/name]. My dad refused both names upon my birth… my mom remembered watching Who’s the [name]Boss[/name] when she was younger, and she liked the character [name]Sam[/name] (played by [name]Alyssa[/name] [name]Milano[/name]). She thought [name]Alyssa[/name] [name]Milano[/name] was a cute little girl, and my dad ended up agreeing on the name. So I became [name]Alyssa[/name]…my mn is just a “filler” name. I always have loved my name, except for when that actress grew up and went through a wild phase (that led others to tease me)…I used to have trouble spelling it when I was little, but no big deal. It used to be unique around here. I knew only one other [name]Alyssa[/name], when I was six, she was eight. But years later, I won this writing-thing in school (a kid from each grade k-12) wins, and five of us were named [name]Alyssa[/name]… I love meeting other girls with my name tho:)

My dad wanted either [name]Brooke[/name], [name]Antonia[/name], [name]Willow[/name] or [name]Lake[/name] for me. Mom didn’t care but I remember her saying she liked the name [name]Emily[/name]. When I was born 3 months early they threw all the names they could think of in a hat and let my older brother pick out of it. I ended up a [name]Kristina[/name]. My middle name is unisex and after my brother, which he insisted. I think my mom secretly copied the name of her friend’s daughter but that’s just an inkling. Honestly I would have preferred any of those other names to [name]Kristina[/name]. [name]Even[/name] when I was a little girl I never felt like that was my name. I just don’t think I wear it well.

My mom wanted to name me [name]Sabrina[/name] but my dad and his big ego wanted my name to start with [name]Al[/name]- like him. So I ended up as [name]Allison[/name], which I love a lot. [name]Sabrina[/name] is too girly for me and there are at least three [name]Sabrinas[/name] in my school. There’s only one other [name]Allison[/name] in my grade, so my name is still mine. It’s the perfect name for me and I never like it shortened as [name]Alli[/name]. The only nickname I would take is [name]Son[/name], thanks to my best friend.

With my brother, my mom wanted to name him [name]Joshua[/name] but my dad once again wanted a name that started with [name]Al[/name]-. But this time, he wanted him to share the same name, [name]Alan[/name]. However, according to my mom, it is against Chinese culture to name a child after an ancestor. My parents compromised and named him [name]Allan[/name] [name]Joshua[/name], so he would have the nickname AJ and satisfy my father at the same time.

My parents thoughts on my name were [name]Audrey[/name], [name]Bethany[/name] or [name]Charlotte[/name], but they finally settled with [name]Israel[/name] ([name]Sarah[/name]), for biblically reasons.

There only reason for naming me that was because they liked how it sounded, nothing special really.

The only things I don’t like about it is that it’s known as a boys name and people spell it [name]Isreal[/name]. -__- And I used to hate it when I was little, but now I kind of like it!

And I just go by [name]Izzy[/name]. :slight_smile:

I was supposed to be [name]Alexandra[/name], [name]Jennifer[/name], or [name]Ashley[/name]. They just couldn’t decide, and took all three names to the hospital. They tried all three names on, and I cried when they tried to call me [name]Jennifer[/name], whimpered when they tried to call me [name]Alexandra[/name], but I was happy as a clam when they tried to call me [name]Ashley[/name], so [name]Ashley[/name] I am. I think they’re all okay names, although [name]Ashley[/name]'s really the only one that suits me. [name]Alexandra[/name] is nice, but I’ve never really loved it, and knowing how unoriginal my parents are, I definitely would have been an [name]Alex[/name], and I am so much more of an [name]Allie[/name] kind of girl. That, and I hate [name]Alex[/name]. On either gender. lol. [name]Jennifer[/name] is okay, but way overdone, so much more overdone than [name]Ashley[/name], so even though [name]Jenny[/name]/[name]Genny[/name] would have suited me, I’m glad I didn’t get that one. Popular though [name]Ashley[/name] was (and still is, actually), it still feels less dated than [name]Jennifer[/name] to me.

I’m ambivalent about my actual name. [name]Ashley[/name] [name]Marie[/name] suits me. I really dislike [name]Marie[/name], and how it rhymes with [name]Ashley[/name], but I do like that it’s French. My main issue with it is that it’s so filler, and that I have that tie to [name]Marie[/name] [name]Antoinette[/name]. Some people say she was largely understood, but I’m a huge fan of the underdog and some of the stories I’ve heard about her have put me off for life. If I was going to have a tie to a well-known woman in history, I would have preferred it to be someone who actually did something to help people in need. [name]Ashley[/name]'s okay. I think it’s pretty and it suits me perfectly, but I don’t like that it’s unisex. I feel like it’s always held back my femininity and I wish I had a 100% girly name–nothing too frilly, just actually feminine. It’s also a tad bit weird that I share a name with my uncle. lol. I used to vow I would change it as soon as I could, but I have grown to like it enough (and know that there’s nothing that’d suit me better) that I’ll keep it. I’m just an [name]Ashley[/name]. And I’m happy with that. Some days I do wish it was less trendy/dated and unisex, though…

I have always loved my name, my parents told me that they had an easy time deciding on my possible names, [name]Kassandra[/name] [name]Renae[/name] or [name]Justin[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] since they wanted to wait for the gender. My mom named me [name]Kassandra[/name] with a K because she always wanted to be [name]Carolyn[/name] with a K on account of her being one of four friends in her group named [name]Carolyn[/name]. Besides the fact that i had to say “[name]Kassandra[/name] with a K” to everyone who needed to spell my name I never had a problem, in the end im glad i am a girl because [name]Justin[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] is deff nms, my middle name i never really asked about but i also love it! :slight_smile:

I was supposed to be [name]Sean[/name] [name]Patrick[/name]. I’m honestly really glad plans changed (due to a death in the family), because my surname is noticeably Irish as well… and I’m not even mostly Irish. So, yeah, awkward. [name]Gabriel[/name] was considered, but dropped because of nn [name]Gabe[/name], which my parents didn’t really like the sound of. Gabriel’s a very nice name, though.

I was going to be [name]Jade[/name] [name]Maree[/name], or [name]Jasmine[/name] [name]Maree[/name]. I am so happy that I am [name]Jasmine[/name] [name]Lee[/name]!


My name’s [name]Rose[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name], and I hate it because the first name means “a rose flower”, nothing more, and it sounds like I’m stuck in the past. My parents were hipsters when they had me and liked old-fashioned names.

I hate my middle name just as much, because it sounds ugly. The [name]Liz[/name] and [name]Beth[/name] parts are the worst.

My first name ([name]Zena[/name]) my dad gave me upon finding the same name in his extended family tree a few days before I was born: prior to that, I was to be named Alata: a botanical name; both parents very interested in horticulture. Sure, I used to get ‘warrior princess’ comments a lot, more often when I was younger, and while it did get to me as a kid quite a bit, I really don’t mind the association at all nowadays, infact, I love it: who wouldn’t want to be associated with [name]Xena[/name], the kick-ass warrior-woman? My middle name ([name]Joy[/name]) was given to me, again by my father, after his sister [name]Joyce[/name], who died years before I was born, and therefore I never got to meet, however, Dad always used to tell me I was very much like her.

I love my names, and wouldn’t change them for the world.

My first name was supposed to be [name]Amanda[/name], but my parents couldn’t think of a middle name they liked with it. My sister (who was 8 at the time) suggested [name]Jennifer[/name], so I became [name]Jennifer[/name] [name]Amanda[/name]. I don’t hate it, don’t love it. It’s kind of a plain name. Though I do like my middle name, because I’ve only met one other person with the same middle! Everyone that sees my initials thinks I’m [name]Jennifer[/name] [name]Ann[/name], but [name]Ann[/name] is my sister’s middle name :slight_smile:

My name if I were a boy probably would have been [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Michael[/name]. They didn’t have boy names picked out but that was a name my mom liked.

I don’t like mine for numerous reasons: People always mispronounce, misspell, forget it, call me by something else, etc. It starts with mal- which is bad in numerous languages. Also sounds downmarket to me and there’s a very bad word in Greek that sounds nearly identical. lol
I’m just over it, never really liked it.
I do like the meaning though, “[name]Queen[/name]”.

All of my names have positive meanings “[name]Queen[/name]”, “Beautiful”, “Crown of Laurels”, “Hillock” and “God is [name]Gracious[/name]”. Well, Hillock is neutral, but still!
My mom picked it because she was looking for names that would suit and [name]Aries[/name] girl, and that made the list, also it’s the only one my parents both agreed on.

First middle name is my father’s number one pick, and second one is a family name, my great-aunt’s.

My mother’s forgotten all the other names she’d thought of for me except for [name]Dahlia[/name]. She doesn’t know how she would’ve spelled it, because she heard it in church and liked it, but yeah. I would’ve rathered being a [name]Dahlia[/name], but I don’t like the [name]Dal[/name]=dull sound in it.

Funny, my Mom and I were just talking about this! I was going to be an [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Joy[/name], which is okay, but I don’t see myself as an [name]Elizabeth[/name]. Mom said she saw my name in a book, and changed the spelling a little bit. I love my middle name, a great smoosh of two family names. My sister was going to be [name]Emily[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name], but my parents changed it to honor my aunt.

[name]Glenys[/name] after my mother’s friend.
She happened to marry a man named [name]Glenn[/name], so a lot of people think that I am named after him.
They also gave me the middle name [name]Susanne[/name], and my mother is [name]Susan[/name], so it really sounds like I am named after both of my parents.
My mother’s friend’s middle name is [name]Anne[/name], so my middle name is similar to hers as well.
[name]Glenys[/name] is different, and I think it suits me, but not many people have heard of it or know how to spell it properly. It’s Welsh.
Some people have thought that my name is [name]Gladys[/name] (ugh!) or because of [name]Gwyneth[/name] Paltrow, they think it is [name]Gwyneth[/name] or [name]Gweneth[/name].

A lot of names got thrown around for me. My parents didn’t know if I was a boy or girl so they picked out [name]Lydia[/name], [name]Phoebe[/name], [name]Hannah[/name], and [name]Caitlin[/name] for girls and [name]Patrick[/name], [name]Colin[/name], or [name]Connor[/name] for boys (we’re half-Irish, if you couldn’t tell). I wound up being [name]Kaitlin[/name] with a K, because my dad had a dream that my mom had a baby girl with lots of dark brown hair and named her [name]Kaitlin[/name]. And when I was born, I had loads of dark brown hair and am obviously a girl, so that was my first name. My middle name [name]Aileen[/name] was kind of chosen at random. My mom liked the name [name]Eileen[/name] and ran across someone with it spelled with an A, and loved it, so she used that and pronounced it the same. Personally I like the A spelling in my name, because the AI in [name]Aileen[/name] matches the AI in kAItlin.

I hate both the front-runners if I’d been a boy ([name]Patrick[/name] or [name]Colin[/name]) and would much rather have been a [name]Connor[/name]. It wasn’t nearly as popular at the time. On the other hand, I really like all the choices for me if I’d been a girl, particularly [name]Lydia[/name] although I don’t think I look like a [name]Lydia[/name]. I think I definitely could pull off [name]Hannah[/name], but [name]Kaitlin[/name] definitely suits me best.

If I had been a boy, my name would have been [name]Joshua[/name] [name]Hamilton[/name]. [name]Joshua[/name] is a name my parents both loved and [name]Hamilton[/name] is a very old family name on my mom’s side.

At different points in the pregnancy, my mom considered [name]Linda[/name] (after my grandmother) and my dad pushed for [name]Felecia[/name] (which my mom continually vetoed). I can’t imagine being a [name]Linda[/name] or a [name]Felecia[/name]. It didn’t take them long to settle on [name]Emily[/name], which they both thought was pretty and unusual (ha!). My middle name is [name]Madison[/name], which I share with my great-great-grandfather and several cousins (male and female).

I have a love-hate relationship with [name]Emily[/name]. On one hand I like that it’s melodious and timeless; on the other hand I dislike that it’s so popular. I never gave my middle name much thought until I started really getting into names, and now I have a love-hate relationship with it as well. I like the family connection but dislike that it’s also so popular. I feel that takes away from the specialness of it. People hear [name]Madison[/name] and think “UGH! Another one!” which I completely understand, and I also dislike that people hear [name]Madison[/name] and automatically think girl. My mom gave me the middle name [name]Madison[/name] with the intention of it being gender neutral; that’s why she chose a grandfather’s middle name. She did the same for my sister, and ironically both ended up being two of the most popular girl’s names of the decade.

That happened to my mother with my brother [name]Jordan[/name] she had it picked out for the river, and that year it was huge mostly for girls. lol but it fits him my dad wanted him to be [name]Henri[/name] the French form of [name]Henry[/name]. but thats his middle name :slight_smile:

My mom is a teacher so she wanted to make sure that she didn’t give me a name of one of her former students. I know one of their choices was [name]Jamesy[/name] after her dad, [name]James[/name]. But they ended up naming me [name]Lincoln[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name], and I honestly have no idea where it came from. [name]Elizabeth[/name] is a family name I think. I absolutely love my name, and I always get compliments on it!