What are your opinions on...?

hey! so I’ve been thinking and because of one of the boy names I love I’ve been sent into a spiral… my all time favorite boy name is Jasper… but I’ve kind of fallen in love with it in the middle name spot… but I refuse to give up that name and never call my future son that… so! i was thinking is it weird for my future children to have two names? like they go by their first and middle interchangeably and then ultimately they decide which they like more and I respect their decision? anyway I just want some opinions on if its a good idea or not!


I feel like that would be confusing for a little kid

I would call them by their first name until they’re old enough to decide what to go by

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I’ve known a few people who have done this, so it’s possible! I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad idea or inherently confusing.

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Not super weird, but doesn’t sound ideal either. Maybe you can call them by both first and middle? I feel like that would be less confusing.

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I agree. Btw love your new pfp!


I go by both, one of my middle names (i have three lol) and my first name interchangeably. its never been confusing for me.

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I know people who do this, I think it’s definitely possible! The one I’m closest to goes by his first name in more professional settings like when he was in school or now work but in literally any other situation he’s only called by his middle name, it’s never been confusing or hard for him. It’s a similar situation with me but not exactly, I go by the [name_f]English[/name_f] and Spanish pron. of my name interchangeably and it’s the same I’ve never had any trouble growing up. I think it’s fine!

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I don’t know anyone who uses their first and middle names interchangeably. (I do know some people who go by their middle names exclusively though.) What you’re suggesting would be quite unusual where I live. That’s not to say it couldn’t work, however.

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