What are your thoughts on Danica and Colbie?

What are your thoughts on the names [name]Danica[/name] “[name]Dani[/name]” and [name]Colbie[/name] “[name]Cole[/name]” as a sister to [name]Corinne[/name] “[name]Cori[/name]” and [name]Weston[/name] “[name]Wes[/name]”?

Combos will be [name]Danica[/name] “[name]Dani[/name]” [name]Josephine[/name] and for [name]Colbie[/name] I like:

[name]Colbie[/name] “[name]Cole[/name]” [name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Colbie[/name] “[name]Cole[/name]” [name]Anne[/name]-[name]Josephine[/name]
[name]Colbie[/name] “[name]Cole[/name]” [name]Leigh[/name]-[name]Josephine[/name]

I’ve been loving [name]Danica[/name] lately. I personally don’t care for the [name]Dani[/name] nn but I think it fits the theme with your [name]Cori[/name]–maybe depends on how strong you want the theme to be? Boys’ name ending with i. I like it for [name]Corinne[/name] but it’s too much to add a [name]Dani[/name] imo. But I do like [name]Danica[/name] a lot. For [name]Colbie[/name], I think I prefer the [name]Colby[/name] spelling and [name]Colby[/name] and [name]Cori[/name] sound nice together. Still the boyish nn’s but [name]Corinne[/name] has a girlier name to fall back on. [name]How[/name] do you feel about that? As for middles, I forgot your list but I would avoid [name]Josephine[/name] because it is another feminine form of a boys’ name. (although I do like it).

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Corrine[/name] and [name]Weston[/name]! To be honest, I don’t think [name]Danica[/name] and [name]Colbie[/name] are nearly as nice, and the style feels a lot different. [name]Corrine[/name] and [name]Weston[/name] are strong, serious names (While [name]Cori[/name] and [name]Wes[/name] are playful and fun, but not frivolous). [name]Dani[/name] just feels too frilly and [name]Cole[/name] too masculine.
I think [name]Rosalind[/name] (nn [name]Rosie[/name]) would fit in well.
I also think [name]Lillian[/name] would work very nicely (but [name]Lilly[/name] is very popular and that may bother you).

First, I’m a little confused. Are you having twins, or are these the 2 names you have picked out for 1 child?

[name]Edit[/name] - nevermind. I reread your post and realized it’s one girl.

I’m not too personally big on a name being “matchy-matchy” with sibling’s names. People’s styles and tastes change over the years, and to stick with one particular style might be hard for some people. As long as you’re not naming one a very classic or traditional name, like [name]Mary[/name] or [name]John[/name], and the other an uncommon name like [name]Brisa[/name] and [name]Bentley[/name]. So imo I think that [name]Danica[/name] and [name]Colbie[/name] go just fine with [name]Corrine[/name] and [name]Weston[/name]. [name]Dani[/name] is cute, although, I don’t care too much for the nn [name]Cole[/name] for [name]Colbie[/name] especially since [name]Colbie[/name] seems short enough to be a nn itself. And [name]Dani[/name] and [name]Cori[/name] both can be feminine and masculine - whereas [name]Cole[/name] is very masculine.

Are you specifically looking for a girl name that has a unisex nn? Or did that just accidentally happen? I don’t like to just suggest names unless you are looking for names and other suggestions from us, but I have some names in mind that are feminine w/ a unisex nn.

As far as the mn, I think [name]Danica[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] is beautiful.

Between [name]Danica[/name] and [name]Colbie[/name], I personally prefer [name]Danica[/name], and can better see it with [name]Corinne[/name] and [name]Wes[/name]. While it’s not exactly the same style as [name]Corinne[/name], I think that [name]Danica[/name] echoes [name]Corinne[/name]'s elegance and femininity.

[name]Colbie[/name] feels trendy and masculine to me, especially because I’m used to the [name]Colby[/name] spelling. I think of colby cheese when I hear the name. If I were to hear of [name]Colby[/name]/[name]Cole[/name] and [name]Cori[/name], I’d think that [name]Cori[/name] was a girl and [name]Cole[/name] was a boy. This many not be an issue for you, but I thought I’d mention it just in case! :slight_smile:

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I can’t come on board with [name]Colbie[/name] at all; I couldn’t work out if you were naming a boy and a girl till I read the other posts.

If I was to use [name]Colbie[/name] I would only spell as [name]Colby[/name], it loses its strength with the ‘ie’ ending imo.

[name]Danica[/name] gets my vote, and I have always liked the nn of [name]Danni[/name].

I recognize you from another website and between the 2 names you have posted I think [name]Danica[/name] fits better with your sibset. However, knowing some of your other names you have posted I prefer [name]Noelle[/name], [name]Jillian[/name] (this spelling only), [name]Josephine[/name], [name]Lia[/name]. Sorry, I know this is not what your orignal post was about but just thought I would mention it. But between [name]Danica[/name] and [name]Colbie[/name] I really prefer [name]Danica[/name]. What about [name]Danica[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]?

[name]Edit[/name]: Sorry, I posted this before seeing the posts above, but it looks like the combo of [name]Danica[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] seems to be popular!

[name]Danica[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]. It’s very pretty and there was really choosing for me because [name]Colby[/name] is a kind of cheese and I’m not big on the whole naming kids after food thing. I know this is not what you’re doing but I can’t get away from that. Also with two daughters named [name]Colbie[/name] and [name]Corrine[/name] I think you might get stuck in a girl theme of C names. There’s nothing wrong with that either but just incase, thought I should mention it.

Good [name]Luck[/name]:slight_smile:

I also think of cheese when I hear [name]Colbie[/name].

[name]Danica[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] is a beautiful name :slight_smile:

I think [name]Danica[/name] matches better with [name]Corinne[/name] and [name]Weston[/name]. [name]Colby[/name] (or [name]Colbie[/name]) falls more into the unisex category, which is fine, it just doesnt sound quite right with the feminie [name]Corinne[/name].

I do love [name]Colby[/name] though as [name]Colby[/name] is my middle name. and through my entire childhood I wished that it was my first name. I just do not think it goes with the more classic [name]Corinne[/name] and [name]Weston[/name].

On a side note- I do find it funny that people are associating [name]Colby[/name] or [name]Colbie[/name] with cheese, because I have never heard anyone say that before (or at least not to my face). But I live in New [name]England[/name], and there are two colleges, [name]Colby[/name] and [name]Colby[/name]-[name]Sawyer[/name] and both of those are mentioned often. but never in 28 years has someone told me my name reminded them of cheese. :slight_smile:

[name]Bluebelle[/name] the [name]Colby[/name] cheese is from New Zealand.

YES. [name]LOVE[/name] THE NAME [name]COLBIE[/name] AND I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]COLE[/name] [name]EVEN[/name] MORE. I like [name]Danica[/name] too, I know an adorable [name]Danica[/name].

[name_u]Colbie[/name_u] for a girl or boy?

I think [name_u]Colbie[/name_u] and [name_f]Cori[/name_f] sound too much alike. I would use [name_f]Danica[/name_f] over [name_u]Colbie[/name_u]. You could use the NN [name_u]Nic[/name_u] instead of [name_u]Dani[/name_u] also, or [name_f]Nicki[/name_f].