What cliche(s) do you hate most?

in any movie, book, tv series, comic, basically any thing, the pregnant woman goes into labor at the wrong time. Never when she was supposed to, always during the most inopportune time. I know labor could be brought on by stress and stuff, but please. Most people deliver closer to their due dates.


About half the fantasy books out there go like these:

Kid’s parent/s die. They go live with their relative or family friend, who it turns out has magical abilities and a secret organization in their house. THe kid is special, of course, and is discovers he/she is the best at that kind of magic, then discovers that the person they’re living with is evil. They have to save all the people affected by them and kill or imprison the person.


Farm boy/girl leaves on a quest and discovers they are the “dragonlord” or fairy queen or prince of the kingdom or something like that.


I love Limyaael! I came across her by accident years ago and I’ve found many of her “rants” incisive. I don’t always agree with them but it made me look at various fantasy tropes and cliches in a different way.

This site (Curiosity Quills [name_m]Press[/name_m]) has a complete list of all her posts. It’s definitely worth a read, especially if you want to write fantasy.


@EJpuddlejumper, have you read UnLunDun by [name_f]China[/name_f] Mieville? IT is amazing because it doesn’t follow pretty much any of the normal cliches!!! The MC’s best friend is the “destined one” (the “Schwazzy”) but she decides she doesn’t want to follow along with the prophecy, so the MC becomes the “Un-Schwazzy” and is really smart. The fantasy is also pretty unusual but super interesting. [name_m]Just[/name_m] a recommendation, it’s a fantastic read that doesn’t follow like any of those stereotypes :smiley:


Yep, that happens in KotLC, even though it’s my fave series. Fitz, [name_m]Dex[/name_m], and [name_m]Keefe[/name_m] all like [name_f]Sophie[/name_f] and she’s pretty oblivious… otherwise I love the series

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(See my post Here for my complete rant)
And [name_f]Sophie[/name_f]'s not even that great! Sure, she has powers, but they were given to her, and she can’t take a joke, like when [name_m]Keefe[/name_m] teases her, and she just ughhhhhh…


I agree with you on those points. I like the characters though, especially KEEFE. No offense, you have valid points, I just like the series:)

Despite how much the series annoys me, I like it too :joy:. And yes, Team [name_m]Keefe[/name_m]!
I also love Team [name_f]Lin[/name_f]-[name_f]Marella[/name_f]-[name_f]Maruca[/name_f] (underdogs for the wins!)

Yeah!!! Linh, [name_f]Marella[/name_f], and [name_f]Maruca[/name_f] are awesome! And you know who deserves much more credit? DEX!!!

edit: [name_f]Maruca[/name_f] > [name_u]March[/name_u] = AUTOCORRECT…

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Yesss! [name_m]Dex[/name_m] is pretty whiny at the beginning, but then he becomes great! Which do you like better [name_m]Dex[/name_m]+Biana or [name_m]Dex[/name_m]+[name_f]Lin[/name_f]?!? I can see both!

Wait, is it actually Linh? Have I been spelling it wrong? whoops!! :flushed:!

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Dex + Biana all the way!!!

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it’s Linh.

Want to make a KotLC thread?

Yeah sure! [name_f]Do[/name_f] you want me to do it, or you?

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…Probably writer’s corner?


or everything but names?

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oh yeah probably

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okay I’ll make it!