Out of interest what do you do with all the names/combos you collect on here?
I fell in love with names long before I had my kids, then afterwards I used to continue searching/using this website for characters names in the stories I wrote & to name our pets. Now I’ve come back as I have to travel a lot & decided that while doing so Im going to relive my teenage years & start playing The [name_m]Sims[/name_m] again so I’m constantly hunting down names for them
I honestly just like to collect them! I don’t know if I will ever name any kids, since my future partner and I would both be women and more likely to adopt, but there is a small chance, so I guess I’m also planning for the future! But I consider naming sort of an art form anyway. You can use it to express your interests (e.g., I’m very into linguistics, and I enjoy learning about different naming cultures, names meanings’, and different sounds in the languages of other countries through their names) and you can also use naming to explore aesthetics! Like when I was really into cottagecore, and I expressed that by making whimsical combos like Thomas Lavender & Maudie Clementine.
I guess I just collect them, without any particular purpose other than because I like to.
Sometimes, I write them down, put them on my listography, in a name doc I have or less often, in my UC. Sometimes I don’t do anything with them, just hold them in my head for a while or suggest them to others. Sometimes I use them on characters, pets or jellycats Sometimes I bore my mum by telling her about names
I name characters (I write, though I never seem to finish anything), use them in games, and put the very best combos I came up with myself on my UC for everyone to see.
And I haven’t had kids yet, so who knows?
Maybe I will use some of the best combos for their names.
I’m finished having kids, but I still like knowing what I would name another child if it ever happened. [name_f]My[/name_f] kids - well, one of them in particular - ask me a lot what they would have been named if they’d been a boy instead of a girl, or vice versa, or if they’d been born at a different time or if I had named them by myself instead of with DH etc etc etc so I like having all the answers.
I also love being able to help people wanting to name their baby - either here or in real life - so it’s good to have a list in my mind at all times to draw on.
And I just love names in general, so I’m always on the lookout for new or interesting ones that make me feel happy.
I mostly just collect them, as a record of names/combos I like. Technically they’re for future kids, but there are only some I’d actually consider using. And having kids isn’t a definite for me, but it does help avoid using a name for say a pet, and later wishing I’d kept it for a child instead. It’s like having everything in lists and organised lets me actually think about how I feel about different names and what I want to do with them. Also it does make a good repository for anything like the [name_m]Sims[/name_m] where I need to name kids.