We have a 4 year old daughter named [name]Corinne[/name] “[name]Cori[/name]” [name]Jane[/name], 2 year old son named [name]Weston[/name] “[name]Wes[/name]” [name]David[/name]…my mom’s name was [name]Jane[/name] [name]Ann[/name] and she passed away suddenly 7 years ago…and my daughter is named after her. We are having another girl in [name]December[/name]…
What do you think of the name [name]Anniston[/name] “[name]Anni[/name]” [name]Josephine[/name] as a sister to my children? I like the [name]Ann[/name] spelling because of my mom’s middle name.
When I see [name]Anniston[/name], I do think of [name]Jennifer[/name] Aniston, and nothing else, but that’s just me. I personally can’t see [name]Anniston[/name] as a sister to [name]Corinne[/name], and the ending of [name]Anniston[/name] is very similar to the ending of your son’s name, [name]Weston[/name], both ending in -ston.
I love [name]Josephine[/name], though, and think [name]Anna[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] would be a lovely way to honor an [name]Ann[/name]. ([name]Annabelle[/name], too…)
Ditto to what [name]Jill[/name] said. Darn celebrities. and the ending -ston is too much like [name]Weston[/name]
[name]Anni[/name] with the an “i” ending cute. I think you wouldn’t have to alter the spelling of names beginning with An- to honor your mother. I like [name]Anastasia[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] nn [name]Anni[/name].
[name]Anniston[/name] was actually on my short list! I love it! I think its very pretty and would stand out. However, I don’t like the combo of [name]Anniston[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]. Too many syllables. One of them should be shortened.
i [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Anniston[/name]! It is such a beaitufl name! and while yes it is associated with [name]Jennifer[/name] Aniston right now, it wont be in 10 years. No kids her age will now it. I think its a very pretty name and [name]Anniston[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] is beautiful!!!
good luck!
[quote=“mom2coriwes”] Like others said, [name]Anniston[/name] reminds me way too much of [name]Jennifer[/name] Aniston. The nn [name]Anni[/name] is cute, especially with the ‘i’ twist but it would go better on a name like [name]Annabelle[/name], [name]Annelise[/name], [name]Annemarie[/name], or something like that.