I am not expecting as of right now (hopefully soon!), but me and the DH were discussing names recently and came up with one girl name that we both liked! Boy names seem to come easier for us. The name was [name_f]Nia[/name_f] [name_f]Hadassah[/name_f] I have always loved the name [name_f]Hadassah[/name_f] for various reasons, but DH was a little overwhelmed by it. haha Suprisingly though, he was the one who suggested it for a middle name!
But now I am thinking maybe [name_f]Nia[/name_f] is too… I dont know… un-substantial? lol. For lack of a better word. I do know though, if we use [name_f]Hadassah[/name_f] for a MN, a lighter first name would be best.
But what do you think about [name_u]Nima[/name_u]? Its a Hebrew/Islamic name meaning “blessing”… and probably some other meanings too
I used to want a name with the nn [name_m]Nim[/name_m] [ahh [name_m]Nim[/name_m]'s island] I wanted a name that was prn nee-ma. Back then I didn’t know about [name_u]Nima[/name_u] and I decided I would spell it Niamhe as I liked the spelling but not the prn of [name_f]Niamh[/name_f]. I think it is a darling name.
Thank you for your input! I am going to need to run it by DH… but I think I am leaning toward [name_u]Nima[/name_u] rather than [name_f]Nia[/name_f]. My boys name that I adore is [name_m]Archer[/name_m] [name_u]Finn[/name_u]. Would these make a good sibset?
oh goodness… I’ll prolly end up tweaking the names right before delivery anyways… my husband jokes about it but I think he may be right haha