What do you think of Callie?

This name has been on my mind all day. We were driving and it randomly popped in my head and I have been becoming more fond of it ever since.

[name]Do[/name] you think [name]Callie[/name] can stand on its own or do I need a longer, formal name.

Also does [name]Callie[/name] sound good with brothers [name]Easton[/name] and Rowdy.

I like [name]Callie[/name] as a nn for [name]Calliope[/name].

Honestly, when I hear the name [name]Callie[/name], I think of a cat :slight_smile: But that’s just my personal association. The name goes well with the boys’ names that you listed—but I think it would be better as a nickname. It could be a nn for [name]Calista[/name], [name]Calla[/name], and Callopie.

I like it as a NN for [name]Calla[/name]. I have seen it work fine as a full name it’s just not my style.

I guess it works for a full name, but it sounds a little cutesy and juvenile for an adult. I think it would give her more options and sound more grown up when she’s an adult to have a full name, honestly. My name is similar to [name]Callie[/name], but I have a full name that I go be at work and I like that I can sound professional and grown up and keep my work and private life separate.

I love the name [name]Callie[/name]. My niece is named [name]Callie[/name] [name]Rose[/name] and she is the sweetest girl. Although she is not an adult yet (only 12) I think the name will work just fine. She loves her name and I would considered using it if it wasn’t her name.