What do you think of Casmira?

Hey guys, I was just wondering what your thoughts on Casmira/Casimira or [name_f]Kasmira[/name_f]/Kasimira were.

I sort of like Casmira, I don’t even know why…
Maybe its because I like [name_m]Cas[/name_m] and [name_f]Mira[/name_f] as nicknames.

Would it work as a character name?
And does it look to similar to the clearly masculine [name_m]Casimir[/name_m]?

Anyone Have any opinions on this?

It sounds exotic

I think it is lovely. I prefer the Casmira spelling. It’s unique and has a lovely sound/ring to it. I am a huge fan of the name [name_f]Cosima[/name_f], too… and that is what it reminds me of.