What do you think of Everett???? Yes? No? Any opinions welcomed

See the results of this poll: Do you like the name Everett??

Respondents: 103 (This poll is closed)

  • Yes : 83 (81%)
  • No : 9 (9%)
  • Indifferent: 11 (11%)

Yes yes yes!!! [name]Love[/name] [name]Everett[/name]!! I can see it on all ages. Uncommon but familiar. Jackpot.

I, too, love [name]Everett[/name]! [name]Caleb[/name] is officially my favorite boys’ name, and likely will be my first son’s name, but I love [name]Everett[/name] nearly as much and some days even more. [name]Everett[/name] doesn’t really seem that common or overused, but I see a lot of names through work, and I’ve met young soldiers named [name]Everett[/name], middle-aged dads named [name]Everett[/name], high school kids with [name]Everett[/name] in their names, little old men named [name]Everett[/name], and little baby boys named [name]Everett[/name], and I think it ages just perfectly. I love it. Honestly, I don’t think it can get much more perfect! [name]Everett[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Russell[/name] is perfection, imo.

[name]Everett[/name] was on our list for a while, I definitely like it a lot, but couldn’t get DH behind it so I had to let it go. [name]Everett[/name] [name]James[/name] is lovely!

I agree, [name]Everett[/name] [name]James[/name] sounds like a match made in heaven :slight_smile:

I don’t like it at all. I think it sounds a bit hill billy-ish. Sorry :\

I really like [name]Everett[/name], it was way to similar in sound to my daughter’s name, otherwise it would have been a contender. To me it sounds distinguished, but not overly so. [name]Everett[/name] [name]James[/name] is very nice.

I don’t like it…

I don’t like it- but I I think it’s only because of the association with the movie O Brother Where [name]Art[/name] Thou… [name]Everett[/name] escaped from a chain gang and is basically a hillbilly with a very thick southern drawl (“Gopher, [name]Everett[/name]?”). But I might think of it differently if I could think of another [name]Everett[/name]. And I don’t know how popular that movie is…

Another [name]Everett[/name] lover here!

[name]Everett[/name] is a good name, and although I don’t love it, it is handsome and uncommon. I do know two Everetts, a Sr and [name]Jr[/name]. The [name]Jr[/name] is a pharmacist.

[name]Love[/name] it :slight_smile: it’s one of our top choices for our little man arriving next month!

All of this :slight_smile:

I love [name]Everett[/name]! If you want a non-hillbilly movie reference, [name]Dermot[/name] Mulroney played a sophisticated [name]Everett[/name] in the film The Family [name]Stone[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Everett[/name] is great. It’s likely to be a middle name for our upcoming son. :slight_smile:

I like [name]Everett[/name], it is an English name I believe so totally avoids the hill-billy vibe IMHO. It is strong but cool, classy but different. I think you should use it!

Hillbilly? Huh?! I don’t see that association at all, but apparently it’s coming from that movie a pp mentioned.

[name]Everett[/name] is classy without being stuffy, and so handsome. “Rett” (like [name]Rhett[/name]) is a possible nickname, which is also great.

[name]Everett[/name] was my grandfathers name. He died last year, age 99. It will be our little guys mn (due in [name]April[/name]), since we honor grandparents with middles. So I don’t think it is unusual or stuffy at all :slight_smile:

A good friend of mine named her son [name]Everett[/name]… I don’t know anyone else with that name so it is not super common! But I loved it for him from the start! He is a doll! My daughter’s name is [name]Evelyn[/name] & we joke that [name]Everett[/name] & [name]Evelyn[/name] sound wonderful together… hehe! Best of luck with name picking! It is a task!!

I love the name [name]Everett[/name]. It has a solid sound to it.