What do you think of Inara?

What are your thoughts on Inara?

Inara is the name of the Companion from the cult-following TV show Firefly, which was canceled after 14 episodes. It was followed by the movie ‘[name]Serenity[/name]’. Inara is basically a very high-class courtesan.

She’s a great character, gorgeous and classy, played by [name]Morena[/name] Baccarin, but that’s what the name evokes for me. Personally, I adore the name, and I’ve considered it as a mn. The show is amazing, btw- but it may color your perception of the name.

I don’t say this to stop you! I would [name]LOVE[/name] the thought that there was a little Inara running around on [name]Earth[/name]. But there are many people out there who would think of the character, and you may want to consider that.