What do you think of Marisa?

I was looking at Spanish and Italian names on Behind the Name, and came across the name [name_f]Marisa[/name_f]. What are your opinions? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you like it or hate it? Would it work well in the US?

Definitely works in the US - think [name_f]Marisa[/name_f] Tomei :slight_smile:

Definitely works, I really like it

[name_u]Love[/name_u], love, love [name_f]Marisa[/name_f]! I know a 30 year old [name_f]Marisa[/name_f] who part Scottish, part Spanish, actually, and she is a beautiful and successful stage actress and singer!

I like it too :slight_smile:

I like it a lot! I know a [name_f]Marisa[/name_f] in her early thirties who lives in the US. Definitely works, very easy to pronounce etc.

I don’t love it or hate it- though I do know an awful lot of [name_f]Marisa[/name_f]'s / [name_f]Marissa[/name_f]'s. Assimilation isn’t really a problem at all- I’d say it is already readily assimilated into the Western name bank. I think that it is a perfectly nice name that is easily recognisable, so if you love it, I’d say go for it :).